Sandbox Electron

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Transhuman Plus, May 7, 2009.

  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Electron -2e

    Electron -2e
    Created by ScarecrowXavier

    /// ELECTRON -2e///

    Supported Gametypes:

    Neutral Assault
    Team Slayer
    MLG Slayer
    King of the Hill

    Map Description

    It's a remake of a very unpopular Halo 2 map called Warlock.

    Weapon List

    4 x Battle Rifle
    4 x Plasma Rifle
    2 x Needler
    2 x Shotgun
    12 x Plasma Grenade
    8 x Fragmentation Grenade

    1x Active Camoflage


    Red Base - Warlock


    Red Base - Electron


    Blue Base - Warlock


    Blue Base - Electron


    Above Red Base - Electron


    Overveiw - Electron


    Thanks to:
    Xx Scuddles xX for helping me realize i'd get more work done if I made it invite only, as well as his early insight when the map was a mere four walls inside an empty room and
    II Ethics II for helping oddball-proof my map as well as convincing me not to add tanks to each base.

    [size=+2]Download ELECTRON -2e[/size]

    Changes! My updated Version includes:

    - Fixed irregular grenade/ weapon spawn times
    - Changed placement of shotgun to left of lift, like Warlock
    - Fixed wall that didn't spawn at start (Thanks to everyone who pointed that out)
    - Fixed teleport area. Now smaller and has longer walls parallel to teleporter like original.

    Teleporters - Electron -2e


    Someone made a video of my map. Isn't that nice?

    YouTube - Halo 3 map: Electron -2e (Warlock remake)
    #1 Transhuman Plus, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This is very nice. I never played Warlock on Halo 2 but at least I get to know what it feels like. I like picture no.5 a lot, its name is quite creative too, I have'nt seen a name on Forgehub like that before. From looks, I'll give it 4.2/5, depending on gameplay will increase or decrease the rating of my opinion.
  3. ctkay

    ctkay Ancient
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    Who sweet, downloaded. It's aesthetically simpler and easier to see around like Wizard was, which makes it even cooler actually.

    Senior Member

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    Best warlock remake yet? From what I can see, it doesn't look breakable and you seem to have built the most accurate warlock yet, especially with the center. I hope you submt this to Forgotten Treasures, im sure it will get some attention there also.
  5. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    wow, this remake its extremelly similar to mine.
    Expecially the mid.

    But mine isnt done yet.

    Good work. Best remake I've seen so far.
  6. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    This reminds me a lot more of Wizard than of Warlock. While Warlock was a crumbling ruin, this map is pristine. It looks absolutely amazing, but there are a few functional differences you may want to look into if you want to make the most out of your remake:
    1. The ramps on your map have no structure beneath them. While your slanted double-wall is more accurate than using strict ramps, if you could geomerge something down under there, it would be more accurate to the original Warlock.
    2. The bases in warlock had a few extra adornments that acted as precious cover. Most notable is the structure on the far right side of your pictures. In the warlock pictures, there is a small pillar that comes out of the wall that was capable of hiding a Spartan from sight until you crossed the midline of the map.

    I understand if you don't want to introduce this pillar for fear of people grenade jumping out of the map, but I'm just letting you know it's a small difference on your otherwise perfect remake.

    edit: If you aren't completely maxed out, you may want to merge power-ups onto the door-frames at the top of each ramp. This way, you could label the two side-bases [merge a custom into one, and both the active camo and overshield into the other]
    #6 2uix, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  7. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    Wow. This is the best Warlock remake I've seen. Looks smooth, very simple, looks great, absolutely wonderful. I laughed when you said something about tanks on it. "Tanks! What???" I'm also curious as to what you meant by making it Oddball proof, was there an issue like camping with the teleporters like in the original?
  8. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    One base is pink, but yes, i'm maxed out of money. And with oddball proof I meant slipping it where no-one could get it.
  9. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Probably the best re-make of this map I have ever seen. As well as you cannot escape the map, unlike other re-makes. The camo strucutre is just like the camo strucutre in the original map, nice forging. As well as the 4 bases, with nice merging techniques. The different lights for each base is also awesome.


    The teleporters could use some work, if you even try to get into one, it is so open, people could pick you off easily. At the back of each base, it is very blank, I would suggest adding some more things. In the last picture, every base looks very crooked/off. And there is not a re-make of the bottom hallway beneath the camo strucutre, like in Warlock. Also, the shotgun hallway looks waaay to open, I suggest either making the platform bigger, or making the back base larger. And like 2uix said, it seems more of Wizard than Warlock, because Warlock was falling part everywhere. And also like 2uix said, the platforms need things under their ramps, instead of it being wide open.

    Once you make a V2, with all those changes, the map would be a far more excellent re-make than it already is.
  10. CaptainMcSMOKE

    CaptainMcSMOKE Ancient
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    You really did a great job recreating Warlock. It looks spot on and very smooth. Will download and rate later.
  11. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    The best remake of Warlock/Wizard I have seen so far. Only thing I felt was missing, like someone else said, is the area underneath the base of the ramps. If there is anyway to add that then this would be a near flawless remake.

    After playing a 7 person FFA on here, I have to say it feels almost exactly like Warlock. The piece missing under the ramps is a very minor detail. Great job 5/5.
    #11 RunTime83, May 7, 2009
    Last edited: May 8, 2009

    DUDERMAN Ancient
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    First off, you did an amazing job on this remake.

    That being said, it's a real shame that this wasn't made with the budget glitch. I realize you didn't use it for the contest but it looks like you only need about $100 more budget to perfect this. The teleport areas seem too deep and too wide which is the biggest difference to me. Everything else is almost identical to the real map.

    Side note: if you ever try to mess with the budget, I found that a mix of the colorblind and juicy filter give this the same dark feel of warlock.
  13. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I have $0 left on the remake guys. I could make the teleport bays smaller, but the central structure would look bad. I could make the walls look more like a ruin, but the map would be breakable. I could add effects (I had planned to) But I wouldn't have enough money to make one of the bases pink (means less callouts). I was going to build that structure under the ramp everyone mentions, but the only item I could delete would also make the map breakable with two plasma grenades. But overall, my concerns are making the map inescapable before all other things, as well as compliant with the Forgotten Treasures rules.
  14. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I only have a couple points of feed-back here.

    • This is the best warlock remake. You nailed the sizing, the lines of sight, you elevated top mid, completely inescapable.

    • Only gaping problem is that above one of the tele's there is a wall not set to spawn at start so you can just jump out of the map in the first thirty seconds, should be an easy fix.

    • The only actual suggestion for improvement i'd have would be geo-ing the grav lifts into the floor to make them indestructible

    • MLG version please??? Or if not can I get permission to make an mlg version from this?

    • This is the best warlock re-make
    Great Job
  15. FinalEndeavor

    FinalEndeavor Ancient
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    I played this the other day and i must say, its a great remake!!! being made in the crypt it feel even like warlock!
  16. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Very good remake, I might need to "borrow" your teleporter borders :)

    Much better than mage 5/5
  17. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    • I only just noticed that wall that didn't spawn the day after I posted the remake, the fact that you noticed it too seems to show that you've examined it well, so thanks.

    • I only just realized that some objects I still had a high run-time max for, which means I still really have $39 which I can increase to $59 if I delete some unnecessary stuff.

    • I was planning to geo-merge the grav lifts into the ground, but decided to release the map early to get it a bit of attention for the Forgotten Treasures contest. The cheapest item I could have the lifts sit on is the tin-cup, at $2 (x4) which means i'll still have $41 left. Another reason for geomerging the lifts is to stop people (namely me) from "booby-trapping" the lifts. If you throw a plasma grenade at the right angle the lift becomes pretty much inaccessible (try it, it's so fun). But if I geomerge the grav lifts the plasma grenade wouldn't be on an infinite loop, it would just hit the ground.

    • Adding in that "sight blocker" under the ramp will cost $5 (x4) so i'll have $21 left. If there isn't a way I can make the teleport area's smaller with $21, i'll just make the walls around the map taller.

    • An MLG version will probably consist of removing the Battle Riffles and putting in Carbines. Removing plasma rifles and shotgun (replacing shotgun with snipe maybe), increasing plasma grenade run-time. Maybe even rockets/ sniper rifle/ OS beneath the central structure.

    And to MickRaider, I give you full permission to use the teleport borders, although I must say that at $60, I really hate the money drain they put on my map. I'm thinking of just using two stone bridges placed vertically.
  18. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
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    I promised to leave a comment, though I think you already know what I have to say:
    Replace two of the plasma grenades below the central structure by a pistol!!! JK, just recommending to do so.
    In Halo 2 you had 4 plasmas there and you could carry all of them, but not so in Halo 3.
    There was also two pistols on Warlock, so it would be great to have at least one to dual-wield with one of the plasma rifles to make them more useful.
    And pistols were the only headshot weapons for players respawning on the ground without moving onto those platforms (additional balance).
    But else it's great that you have all of the nades on the map that were on Warlock!

    I might repeating what was said by others, but .. great size, perfect center, good job!
  19. Doomsday

    Doomsday Ancient
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    Good job, although i have seen a lot if better remakes. Would be a 5 if I hadn't downloaded the Mage v5.1 today. 4.5/5
  20. tehuberleetist

    tehuberleetist Ancient
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    It's pretty good. Very well done, I just love to add stuff to maps, I can stand blank walls, so if I were you, I'd do something to those double walls you have, add something. Anyway, this looks like a 5/5 for me.

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