When I started using photoshop I found looking at PSDs of pro sigs was much more helpful than any tutorials. Once i have enough nice sigs I upload and share em, so here be the best of my latest: If one of these is a sig I made for you as a request and you aren't happy that I am releasing it, tough luck I made it you are borrowing it. Lul. So download them and see if you can learn something. Link p.s. don't rip me
yay mine is in here!! and so is my fav one that was made for scopulus!! congrats im downloading right now!
B to the ump I like the Lighthouse one, much different to the kind of stuff im used to seeing around here.
oh so you made these... wow now i see that you are a great sig maker. lol i had no idea how people even knew what your sigs looked like before now. great job mallet