Hai Thar, I'm TheKaptain. I joined these forums that I heard of from Bungie.net My gamertag is DualRelyks, and I'm Kanadian.
Welcome! Welcome to City 17! You have chosen, or been chosen to relocate here. sorry, got this stuck in my head. lolZ Welcome to Forge Hub
You misspelled canadian but non-the less, welcome to forge hub but before you post a forum please read the rues so you will not get flamed or looked down upon thanks
Well, I'm always wanting to find custom games, so if you guys could add my gamertag I may be able to have enough friends online at once to play some games not found in the MM, such as infection
Welcome Kaptain, I hope your stay aboard the S.S Forge Hub is a pleasant one. Remember to Read the Map Posting Standards and have fun! (Found Here -> http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6830)
Why hello there and welcome to the horrible place of forgehub.Jk its not horrible its really fun.Theres a whole bunch off people here that are amzing at forge.Hopefully you'll enjoy your sgtay and post some good maps