Effective guide to Fusion Coil/Plasma Battery/Propane Tank Placement

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BennyIV, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    Effective guide to Fusion Coil/Plasma Battery/Propane Tank Placement

    I have been looking in the community maps as of late and I seem to noticing a recurring fact with a lot of peoples maps and that is the fact that they choose to place Fusion Coils, Plasma Batteries and Propane Tanks wherever they please. Ok I know that these objects are under "SCENERY" when in editor mode, but because the have explosive effect they should be placed with care not just thrown around the map to complete us up your budget.

    First off you need to know the differences between the three. Fusion coils and Plasma batteries have the almost the same qualities. They explode immediately after one shot from a carbon or BR. The Plasma Battery Is an instant kill if you are standing next to it, but the Fusion coil will just take out your shield. However the Propane Tanks have different qualities. They will explode after one shot from carbine or BR but its not immediate. They will spin and flip around for a few seconds which makes them unpredictable. Alright now choosing which one to place where is a decision that can make or break your map. Say for example you have a spot on your map that is PERFECT for camping and if someone where to have one of the power weapons they would be unstoppable. Something you can do to eliminate that problem is place a fusion coil or plasma battery inside there. This way when someone throws a grenade in there they a almost guaranteed to be killed. However say you choose to place a Propane tank in there, This would mean that when you throw in your grenade, the tank would not blow up right away giving the camper valuable seconds to get away form the explosion.

    Another great place to use Fusion coils and plasma batteries is in narrow choke points on your map. A great example of this is on TDHarding's map PARAGON. In Paragon there is a narrow choke point in which it is the fastest and easiest way to capture the flag. However to limit how easy it is to use, TDHarding choose to place fusion coils inside the hall so that you run the risk of getting blown up when using this hallway.

    The last use for fusion coils and Plasma batteries is to achieve an effect that makes players feel like they are getting bombed. The classic example of this, made by Trickmyster
    , is the map Storm the Beach. The falling coils give the map a great feel, just as if you actually are running up the beach on D day with bombs falling from the sky. To achieve this effect all that need be done is either Save/quit a fusion coil/plasma battery in mid are and then set the run time minimum to the run time maximum to force the object to instant respawn. This will cause the object to fall from the sky and then explode on impact like a bomb would.

    Finally all fusion coils and Plasma batteries should be placed with about a 20-30 second respawn time to be most effective. In some cases 60 seconds is more suitable.

    Now onto Propane Tanks. I'm not really sure what Bungie was doing when they came up with these as for the most part there not that useful. yes there is a mini game or two that uses its unpredictable movement to have fun(cough* Torpedo Jumpers *cough) But for the most part they aren't of much use to most forgers. One thing that I have determined that they can be used for is when your map has a lot of open space. Say your map has a big open area with only a little bit of cover to hide behind. placing Propane tanks near the little amount of cover is a good idea, since they are unpredictable in movement this will force players to think before just charging out into the center of open space.

    Finally I forgot to mention Fusion cores. They are the weakest of the explosive scenery. They do not explode if dropped from the sky and will do the least amount of damage to your shields. The explode after one shot from a BR or Carbine.

    Any and all comments and questions are welcome.:squirrel_chatting:
    #1 BennyIV, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
    Blaze likes this.
  2. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    The abridged version, according to Kapura:

    Put them in places where people camp
    Set respawn to 60
    Nemihara and Debo37 like this.
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    He mentioned my map! I feel LURVED!
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Yah, Benny... Kapura just summed up your entire post. So maybe you do not need a guide...
  5. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Agreed with Kapura... I guess a lot of people already know how to place them... it's just those novice forgers that dont maybe? oh well, im glad your trying to give something to the community.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    besides the fact you need paragraphs... I liked it... and any fool that just says do a simple idea lacks the willingness to hear suggestions and advice...
    IxGUNxSLINGERxI likes this.
  7. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    This is an excellant guide a is one of the few in the forge descussion that will help people instead of just filling up the section with guides. Good job and nice subject!
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Its a nice guide but there are differences between plasma batteries and fusion coils.
    If I'm not mistaken a battery goes off right next you, you're dead.
    Coil goes off right next to you, you're sheilds are gone.
  9. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    yes that is true, plasma batteries have a more powerful blast/explosion. you might want to mention something about that. oh and plasma batteries are taller too, so if they are sitting behind something you can have a more clear shot on it if it's sticking out rather than a fusion coil being hidden. sorry that last bit might be kinda of confusing.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    what they all said + its called a CarbINE.
  11. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    *Added to Forge Tutorial Master Index*

    As for what I think about the tutorial...I would have to agree with Kapura.

    I didn't read the tutorial, but hopefully it will help people in the future.

  12. Randal Stevens

    Randal Stevens Ancient
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    You might want to add Power Cores. Power Cores are on Avalanche and I think Construct. They are less powerful than the Plasma Batteries or the Fusion Coils. And if you drop them from any height, they do not explode. Plus they make a cool wooshing noise when they explode.

    That map was not created by TrueDarkFusion. It was created by Trickmyster. TrueDark only posted it as a feature.

    Added to the Master Index but you didn't read it? Interesting.
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Seriously, I enjoy reading, and I enjoy legitimate reasoning, but this guide, along with a few others that have been recently posted, are very satire.
  14. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    Tex If you don't feel the guide is worthy of the master tutorial thats fine and feel free to remove it. I was just trying ti help out the community.
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I will read it.

    Since it is so controversial that I don't.

    Give me time, and I will decide whether or not it is a legitimate guide.
  16. The Real KingLS2

    Senior Member

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    this is a great guide!
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    this is great spam!

    And as interesting (...) as the guide (...) is, it's based off of very common knowledge. I could have just posted all of that off the top of my head. So what I don't get is, why make a guide about it?
  18. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I have a guide, so I feel bad criticizing guides, but there does seem to be an influx of random guides where people post what they ate for lunch and how to make a cheese sandwich. Maybe it's fame, maybe it's a joke, maybe they actually think it's worth while..but you are right nemi.

    Nothing against OP, I didn't read your post..so I can't comment on your guide.
  19. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    you said carbon, half the time, kapura basically reapeated your hole story in a second. but i half to say, that was a very well writen statement/guide. i think there may be more areas to speak about, but you got one of the most important(choke point). overall good post.

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