Effect and pic idea guide

Discussion in 'Screenshot Guides' started by R0FLninja, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    This thread was made for giving people ideas for pics as well as people posting their own ideas. Here is the list of my patented effects.

    Radar jammer effect: Produces a purpely mist or a purple white explosion according to the angle of the pic.

    Steps: 1. Pick your weapons and get the jammer. 2. Deploy the radar Jammer behind yourself and select your pose. 3. after 15 seconds or so, the jammer will explode. 4. Go to theatre and take your pic.

    Example pic: (notice purple mist in background)[​IMG]

    Gravity Vortex effect: Either produces a plasma grenade explosion like effect or a wavy blurred vortex look depending on the angle of the pic.

    Steps: 1. Pick up a gravity hammer. 2. Select a pose. 3. hammer dat hammer. 4. go to theatre and take your pic.

    Example pic: (notice the plasma grenade like explosion swirling around the head of the hammer.)

    Power drain effect: Produces a gloomy shadowy effect with blue hints on the spartan's/elite's armor.

    Steps: 1. Select your weapons and pick up a power drain. 2. Deploy Drainer behind yourself and select your pose. 3. after about 10 seconds, drainer will explode, but pics are usualy taken before the drainer explodes. 4. Go to theatre and take your pic.

    Example pic: (notice blue hints on armor and shadowy darkness around the spartan.)[​IMG]

    Gravity vortex/fuel rod effect: Produces a variety of looks, including green mist, a strange white grainy effect on the spartan's/Elite's armor, or a bright green and blue light.

    Steps: 1. Pick up a gravity hammer. 2. Select your pose. 3. Have a partner shoot you with a fuel rod shot, and at the same time, use your hammer when the fuel rod explodes. 4. go to theatre and take your pic.

    example pic: (notice strange white grainy effect on the spartans armor) [​IMG]
    #1 R0FLninja, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  2. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are great.But I think these only work in a certain spot or map.Can you explain to us where you got these?But the last one is taken antwhere.Right>Any how I love them all.Just matters if you post up a map or not.
  3. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    I really like the raddar jammer one, jsut because I dont see it used much
  4. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i took these all on sandbox, with my picture map and picture taking gamemode: heres a description of the map.

    it is built in the skybubble, nothing special or cool looking, has all of the equipment and weapons availible and on instant respawn time, and in the vehicles cache is 1 banshee, 1 hornet, 1 prowler, 2 mongeese, 1 ghost, 1 regular warthog and one chopper. the juicy effect spawns after 10 seconds then the gloomy effect after 20, the colorblind effect around 120, pen and ink around 150, and the rest of the effects at 180 .

    the gamemode basicly is this:

    forced color black
    no shields
    starting weapon shotgun
    secondary starting weapon sniper rifle
    infinite ammo
    normal movement
    weapon, vehicle and equipment pickup enabled
    #4 R0FLninja, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009

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