Whats up, guys? Havent been here for a while. I'm Ryan I've been editing a little lately and I ended up deciding to edit a minitage for whoever wants one. I can get the clips in HD, and make the video HOWEVER YOU want it! If you have some ideas, give em to me and I'll put em in there. The clips below are just some practice edits, and I will be making your video better and spend much more time on it. Add My GT: GoHazeGo because I will more than likely not be on this forum again for a while. Some other videos: YouTube - Transition help YouTube - 55 Second Render [practice] YouTube - Any touches? Add My GT: GoHazeGo because I will more than likely not be on this forum again for a while.
Damn I love what you did with that first vid. It was pretty hectic. I do quite a bit of editing myself but sadly I rely on others to capture footage for me because I don't have my own capture card.