
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Knight Of 0rder, May 21, 2011.

  1. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Generic Information
    This map was inspired by a map named Alizharin from Halo 3. The umbrellas on the map came from JGarb. This is a small map best suited for a 2v2 or 3v3. This map is built for all modes except Invasion, Race, and any one game modes (One Flag, One Bomb, ect.)

    Special Features
    There is a Jump Pad located on this map by the Sniper. To use the Jump Pad all you have to do is stand on it and press the jump button ( Normally A). The whole map is encased in a Soft Safe Zone so if one were to fly out side the map with a Jet-Pack he would have ten seconds to get back in. The roof of the map is also protected with a Soft Kill Zone (or it might be a Hard Kill Zone, I can't remember). This is to stop those annoying people who break maps and sit in places unable to be killed (aka my brother).

    Frame Rate
    This map has no frame rate dropping with on person per screen. There are spots in splitscreen where the frame rate drops.

    Weapon List: (The goodies you use to shoot people)
    Needle Rifles:3
    Plasma Repeaters:4
    Plasm Pistols:2
    Assault Rifles:4
    Plasma Grenades:6
    Rocket Launchers:1
    Sniper Rifles:1

    Now to what everyone really wants to see.

    This is an overview of the entire map without its roof.

    This is the middle of everything in Eclipse, and this is where the Rockets (Thing that makes big boom) spawn.

    The room that I have deemed to be the Jump Pad Room. It is really easy to find the jump pad. It is blue and looks like a teleporter

    After you jump up from the Jump Pad you will see this baby. Don't worry it doesn't have any spare clips.

    Once you have received the Sniper go down this path to reach Red Team's Initial Spawn.

    Yeah, that is a pretty cool doorway if I do say so myself. You can also jump on top of the columns to get a nice drop down point.

    Another view of Red's Spawn.

    An epic view from Red's starting spawn.

    This room I have deemed the Blue Floor Room.

    It is nice to get a little fresh air once in a while.

    You can sit in here and have a picnic. If only you had brought a picnic basket.

    Blue Team's Initial Spawn is just as beautiful of a view as Red's.

    This room has a nice little drop down spot to assassinate your enemies.

    This room has two umbrellas.

    Here is the beautiful Jump Pad.

    OOOOO SO SHINY, A hypnotizing view of the center of the map.

    On this map I even went the extra mile to add an easter egg. Yes, a hidden Spiker. This weapon won't be able to affect the gameplay though because it is hidden outside the Safe Boundary. Yet the weapon is still on the floating map so don't go searching through all of Forge World for it. I hope you download and give me feedback on this map.
    #1 Knight Of 0rder, May 21, 2011
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  2. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Dude this is great, compared to your other maps this is amazing. Good job with the set up and the skylight adds to a brighter feel. I also love the umbrella and tables set up throughout the map a good addition to the map! If anything you might want to fix the 4 camouflage's added it slightly ruins the overall feel of the map when people know they'll have to grab all the other 3 when they pick up one so others won't get them. None the less god job and well done you seem to just get better and better with your maps. Can't wait to see whats next, don't disappoint me! :) good job!
  3. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You can't actually grab the active camos. They are just there for aesthetic purposes. I believe I first saw the umbrellas on one of eightball's maps. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Okay well then never mind about that lol. Also glad to see that, in my case I feel like power-ups ruin game play cause they can over power players who already hold a benefit by having a power weapon. Also I thought that the umbrella might have been used by "EightBall" as that he first made it on his map "Concourse" ( They are very effective at giving a more calm and peaceful feel to a map, but if you are gonna use it, do please give him credit it is only fair after all. None the less this map is defiantly seeming better knowing that the camouflage's are not accessible. Good job again and do try to give "EightBall" credit! Thank you! :)
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    Well, I just happen to stumble across this. I find it alittle funny that I did, but anyways, you should probably get a thumbnail IMG for your map, it will attract more attention to the map while also letting people get a preview of the map before they click on it. I HIGHLY suggest you do so.

    Now for the umbrellas subject. First, I didn't come up with the umbrellas', JGarb did. So, give him credit.

    Now, for the map. First let me say this the layout on this map is quite interesting and very neatly forged. I like the many pathways and the open roof, which adds more uniqueness and creativity to the map. I see some color as well and that is a plus and not to mention hard to pull off. This definetly looks like a solid map. Keep it up.

    PS: If you'd like to know how to post a thumbnail image, message me, I'll gladly help you.
  6. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    Thanks for telling me the thumbnail was messed up I didn't realize that. I was able to fix it so hopefully more will "stumble" onto this post just like you did. Also thank you for the positive feedback EightBall. By the way I love your maps and can't wait to see another one.
  7. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Wow, this map is incredibly impressive, the design is well thought out and the aesthetics are amazing, I particularly like what you've done with the doorways and how you used windows. Great Job!

  8. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
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    The map looks great but I reccomend giving it a different name. Eclipse is Bungie's crappy Lockout remake. I'll play on it sometime to check it out further.
  9. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback guys. I totally forgot about the Bungie Lockout Remake. If anyone has any ideas for a name that would be fitting for the map, I would be glad to hear them.

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