
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by djrghosting, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. djrghosting

    djrghosting Ancient
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    :.:.: ECHO :.:.:

    Echo Is a small multi floored 1v1 or 2v2 map that has a variety of unique features. Its is a symmetrical Map withs 2 starting sides where both sides have the exact same configuration of objects and items. Both bases can lead to 3 different areas, but all paths in a sense will lead you to direct contact with the enemy player(s).
    Players will spawn on opposite sides and will be able to take 1 of 3 paths, the stairs, the shotgun passage, or the sender nodes. The Stairs will lead you to the bridge, which is on top of the shotgun passage. There are 2 spike grenades in the center of the bridge which players can fight over.
    The shotgun Passage is at the bottom center of the map, where both sides can meet head on in a race for the shotgun. Most of the time the player who owns the shotgun will be able to score a easy killing spree, But shotgun can also be countered with a well aimed spike grenade, and with only a single clip (6 Shells) the player cant just tear the opposition with the pull of a trigger -Save your shots-.
    The final path is the Sender Node, located on either side of the in the stair corridor. it is reached by turning 180 degrees while on the stairwell and jumping from the stairs to the platform. The sender node will lead you to the highest part of the map where there is a sniper on both sides, allowing player to do battle Via 'No-Scope'. Both sniper platforms can be reached by jumping across the spike grenade bridge roofing and on to the enemy players platform, But there is no cover while you jumping from platform to platform so its a risky trek.
    The map may seem to small to play of at first, and with and with more than 5 players the map will feel crowded and the spawning will start to go out of wack. But overall its a pretty good small slayer map with many ways to play... literally... i have put Assault/Oddball/KOTH/CTF objectives for boths sides. Original Game Settings may not work perfectly so you may have to change the timing and movement speed for some game settings to compensate for the map size and spawning. I Hope You Enjoy!


    Shotgun Passage


    Sniper Platforms


    Spike Bridge


    Stairwell Sender Node


    Staircase & Starting Side(Base) /w BR's


    Below Spike Bridge

  2. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    the map looks cool i well have to try it out
  3. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
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    yea looks preetty good ill try it out l8er
  4. Trace007

    Trace007 Ancient
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    Cool, I'll take a look at this as well.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Very nice, this layout definately looks well thought out.
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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  7. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Nice looking map, definitely well put-together, I've just got a couple suggestions:

    1. Map seems a bit small for two snipers and I don't think the idea of a no-scope contest would work, if it were me then I'd just pull out an AR and jump to the other side, perhaps space the platforms a bit farther apart.

    2. This sounds really picky, but those BR's seem kinda ugly just sitting within two inches of each other, space them out a couple feet if you can.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This looks very well put together
    the one thing that caught my eye was the last picture, i like your use of the fence box to make a sort of corner piece
  9. djrghosting

    djrghosting Ancient
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    Thanks guys, i really put a lot of work into this map so thanks for the compliments and the suggestions.

    'JJ3672' i do kinda agree that the snipers were not the best idea but i didn't like an other weapon there, and i had also tried to make the platform better for the sniper when i was forging it, but it didn't work because of the stuff i wanted to use for other areas (Doors / Window Panels) and i just left it. I thought at first to put carbines instead of snipers, but that didn't work well either. In the end i just left it the way it was with the 2 doors and the sniper. Oh, and the reason i wanted snipers mainly in the first place was that you i thought that the map would be a bit bigger than it turned out to be, and that you can see down the entire stairway area from the platform and snipe people coming up the stairs.
  10. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I dunno, to me a mauler or two would work well with this make to somewhat offset the power of the shotty, so you could try to put it/them in the spot instead of the sniper. Cause if your map is at small as it seems, i'd probably walk right past the sniper without a second glance (or maybe that's just because i'm bad at no-scoping)
  11. djrghosting

    djrghosting Ancient
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    Hmmm, never tried using the Mauler, might work well. If anyone else has suggestions on what they think might work, give me your opinion.
    #11 djrghosting, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008

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