4-8 Players Echo

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Murfthesmurf, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Murfthesmurf

    Murfthesmurf Promethean
    Senior Member

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    a symmetrical arena map

    works for slayer, koth, and ctf


    one of the four bases

    rock between bases

    the middle

    The current weapon set is:

    4 Light rifles - 1 at each base

    4 battle rifles - 1 at each base

    4 storm rifles - one behind the crate in each base

    2 frag grenades - behind green and gold rocks

    2 pulse grenades - behind red and blue rocks

    1 speed boost - top mid

    1 incineration cannon - 1 shot @ 60 second respawn - bottom mid
    Download link

    #1 Murfthesmurf, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2013
  2. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Very open! Anyone spawning with a sniper will have a great day! Might i suggest some cover around the outer perimeter?
  3. Murfthesmurf

    Murfthesmurf Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I could add to the 2x2s here by each base. something like another 2x2 ramp on top of the circled parts?
  4. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Certainly! But don't limit yourself to just those pieces, try different combinations as well. All your trying to do is minimize the other teams ability to ping you from across the map. If I had a sniper rifle, and was proficient with it, I could nail you as you walked out of any opening of the base, consider that while you are looking for the right pieces to put in there.
  5. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
    Senior Member

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    This looks neat so far but as said before, it is way too open. I suggest adding some cover to the bridges(maybe by way of support structures that come from the bottom, this also gives cover to the underside of the bridges as well.) As it is right now, there is no incentive for a player to go to the bottom floor, There is no power weapon down there and there is no cover. Players lose the height advantage but still have no cocer, and they still do not get any power weapons. I suggest adding cover (and working them into aesthetic pieces) to the bottom as well. But keep in mind that a power weapon should have some risk to get so do not add TOO much cover by any power weapons. I have seen people spawn power weapons on top of pillars that you could jump(or jetpack to) and that worked quite well. See those spawn points by the rock in the corner, i would remove/move them and replace them with gravity lifts that shoot players to the middle this adds a new way of transportation then walking. It also adds another element of risk vs reward because while it is faster to take the lift it is also more dangerous because you are in the air with no cover.

    looks good so far but it does need work. Keep us posted.
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your map is very open, but you shouldn't just fall into the same old "this is my medium-quarters symmetrical arena map. It's perfect for DMR/BR and that's about it".
    Encorporating long sightlines effectively is always a hard thing to do, especially with Framerate issues... but it also allows for effective use of the Sniper Rifle (beyond just standing around no-scoping).
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A little more segregation might work well. If those circled platforms are extruded up to become walls, the sightlines from that area would still be long, just not covering as much of the map. It would also allow safer flanking and flag routes which would improve gameplay. I'm not an expert, but they are my immediate thoughts.
  8. Murfthesmurf

    Murfthesmurf Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

    I have added more cover by the bases

    Added some cover in the middle

    I updated the current weapon set. If anyone has other/better ideas for the weapon set just let me know.
    The current weapon set is:

    4 Light rifles - 1 at each base

    4 battle rifles - 1 at each base

    4 storm rifles - one behind the crate in each base

    2 frag grenades - behind green and gold rocks

    2 pulse grenades - behind red and blue rocks

    1 speed boost - top mid

    1 incineration cannon - 1 shot @ 60 second respawn - bottom mid

    I have removed the awkward spawns behind the rocks and added spawns behind the newly added cover.
  9. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm going to offer an entirely different take than everyone else has. I don't think this is too open. Perhaps the pictures make it seem so, but in game it did not feel too open to me. The only place I would maybe add more cover is under the walkways connecting to top mid. Put either Block 1X4's, or 1X1 Talls under them. They will look like braces holding up those walkways, and will block the lines of sight from the bottom of one ramp to the bottom of the other ramps. The other area of concern for me is top mid. I think a pillar where you currently have the Speed Boost would be good to block the cross map lines of sight there.
    I'm not the biggest fan of your weapon set. I couldn't agree with adding a Sniper Rifle by any means, but a little more variety would be nice. You could have a combination of each of the main rifles (Light Rifle, Carbine, DMR, BR), and a combination of automatics (Suppressor, Assault Rifle, Storm Rifle). Speed Boost probably wouldn't have been my first choice of powerups, but it's probably okay. I would like to see something substantial at bottom mid, though. Right now there's basically no reason to go there. If you put a pillar at top mid, then you could probably just move the Speed Boost down there if you're partial to that powerup.
    Overall, if this map is played without random ordnance or AA's, I can see it being quite fun. Add those things in, though, and it's probably going to be a mess, just because of how small and how open it is.
    If you enjoy this bare bones type of design, on future projects I would at least experiment with something that's not quite so...symmetrical. The problem that can crop up with a 4 way symmetrical map like this is that there's just not much incentive to move, at least in Slayer games. Maybe try experimenting with something that 2 way symmetrical (like Midship, where the bases are the same, but the sides are different), or something that's inverse symmetrical.
    #9 a Chunk, Jul 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2013
  10. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dis map needs playing. Murfthesmurf, get yourself to TCOJ if you can. It is a great source of testing and there is a lobby tonight and every Tuesday night.
  11. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is it really not that open in game? Surprising. From those circled platforms at each corner it looks as though the player could see a hefty portion of the map. But anyway, gameplay will be the ultimate test.
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Yes. You can see a good portion of the map from there. It's a two way street, though. A good portion of the map can also see that location, and anyone who would try to sit there would be melted pretty quickly, especially by players on the upper level.

    For me, it's all a matter of what the intent of the map is. This map is in pretty good shape for FFA's and 2v2's. If you want it to play 4v4, then some changes are in order, but those changes would have to involve more than just adding cover. There's nothing wrong with adding cover there. It would help with safer spawning in 4v4 and FFA. Adding cover in those locations just wouldn't be near the top of my list of potential changes for 4v4 play.

    If 4v4 is your focus, I'd first recommend some changes in the symmetry, as I mentioned earlier. Even something as simple as having lifts on only 2 of the side and adding a ramped connection on the other two. And then making 2 of the courtyards (where the rock is) different than the other 2 would be good. Some difference in elevation on the upper level would be a plus too. For example, making top mid higher than the upper lift rooms would create some incentive for people to go to top mid. Making 2 of the lift rooms a different elevation than the other 2 is something to keep in mind as a possibility too. Slight elevation differences like that create incentive for players to move, and also help break up troublesome lines of sight without needing to add lazy cover.
  13. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm gunna be honest this map looks like every other 4 base map. It needs... character. Something to set it apart from the other 5347 maps that look like this. It is cleanly forged and everything. It just looks plain jane.
  14. Murfthesmurf

    Murfthesmurf Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I raised top mid a little to provide elevation change

    I also removed the crates in bottom bases and added a block 2x4 under each bridge

    I agree that the map is generic/lacking.
    I made it with FFA in mind so I want it to be balanced but I also don't want it to be boring/play the same every match. I don't really know what to do about it.
  15. Murfthesmurf

    Murfthesmurf Promethean
    Senior Member

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    To Make the map more interesting and less bland I connected bottom red to bottom yellow and connected bottom blue to bottom green.
    I put a needler in each tunnel


    I changed the space between green/blue and red/yellow to this:

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