Echo Base 4-19 Echo Base is a mid sized asymmetric map designed mostly for slayer but great fun on a crazy hill game and a lot of others too. It's probably best on 4vs4 or more as its pretty chunky with lots of different sections. View from on top of Echo Tower. Rocky section, lots of climbing, shortcuts and secrets .... Valley full of rewards if you dare enter it. The map is split in to three main section as shown in these three pics, the main base with a huge tower Echo tower, then a rocky spire and a valley seperating the two with several bridges and secret paths spanning the divide. View from on top of Echo tower. Under Echo Tower in the main base. Not a great pic, but a great part of the map, you can walk around the back of the rocky section around a narrow ledge. Main bridge to the entrance of Echo Base. Steps leading up to ... ? The outside and pathways are inspired by many old Halo 2 and 3 levels, and I hope people can spot this in the design. Middle of the valley secret entrance. Under the Tower. It's over Anakin, I have the high ground. Behind the Tower in the construction zone on a crazy hill game. Thats it! Any questions/comments/bugs/ideas anything! I'd love to hear from you all so leave a message here, message me on Halo "Hazard0usWaster" or mail me Download, crack out a game with your mates, see what you can find! Haz. Heres the images to download if you like, hopefully in the same order as shown. Image 01 Image 02 Image 03 Image 04 Image 05 Image 06 Image 07 Image 08 Image 09 Image 10 Image 11 Image 12 Image 13 Image 14 Image 15 Image 16
This map looks good. Got some nice battle areas.. I like where the objective is with all the pillars , should be interesting game play. Nice looking buildings and everything looks well placed. Nice forging.
That section with the pillars plays great, in slayer or crazy king, fast pasted carnage, cheers for the positive comments!