Hey again, it's me, D3V0NST8R. I posted this thread for everyone who wants pictures of easter eggs. Below is a picture of a Jackal wearing a sombrero. Note that the jackal head is of the bottom rock, the medium rock is the lower part of the sombrero, and the high rock is the top of the sombrero. [img width=800 height=450]http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/4510/jackaleastereggvb4.jpg[/img]
I can kind of see what your talking about but I don't think it's an egg. Bungie said that when you see an egg, you'll know it. To me, that doesn't scream easter egg.
This thread isn't just for commenting on the mexican jackal. If you want an easter egg found, just request and I'll find it.
dancing hunter would equal pownage. But seriously does any one have any real[/i[ easter eggs, like the floating man and master chiefs br bullets, and highgrond cortana
Dude that pic is worthless it looks nothin like a jakel wearing a sumberoo. A easter egg is not that it is somthin like the Davinci code or The guy on standoff
I see it. Doesn't look like a jackel though, more like a dinosaur. "jackel jackel, its a jackel, jackel!" "It wasn't right the first time, why the hell would it be right the next 10 times!"