The Map:[size=16pt] Earth v2.0[size=10pt] Kill the Freakin' Flood!! [size=11pt]Click Here to DOWNLOAD My Cool Map Click Here to DOWNLOAD the Recommended Gametype Info About This Map: This is an Infection Map. This infection map has map hiding places and many turrets to shoot down the "Flood." After many hours of testing (actually probably thirty minutes) I have made this map so that everything is functional. There are cars in this map for show, but if you want to get in them go right ahead. The game type I provided for this map is recommended when you first download my map, but once you get a hang of it, this map can probably handle any Gametype you through at it. There are many hidden treasures so I recommend exploring the whole map before playing it with your friends so you can have the advantage. I am open to constructive criticism. Any random friend requests will be DENYED. I would like to thank Darkmist117 and Marioluigi101 for helping me test this map. THIS MAP WAS CREATED AND DESIGNED BY Boom Boom STAR. This is a cool view of my map. This is sort of the front of the map. Using the Broken Bridge. A view from ground level. The map in action Not a smart move. A top view. The testers of the map (from left to right) Marioluigi101, Darkmist117, Boom Boom STAR
no double posting your map and as far as your map goes it looks like a generic infection map but i do like the hidden weapons idea
i believe the humans are trapped whlie the zombies try to kill them which i think is getting pretty old no offense