E3 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cluckinho, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Sorry for not making this sooner. Anyway, talk about anything E3 here.
  2. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    I hope the Oculus team appears on the stage.
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Nice. We have lots to discuss I think. The new games shown looked amazing. (Most of them really)
    Ill go ahead and put some video's in Spoilers.
    Or not.. Weird, YT doesn't seem to work right now. Ill do it tommorow, but most of you probally will post some already by then.

    The games that really stood out for me were (The most important) Halo 5. Then, The Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2, Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall looked awesome.
    What about that weird Insonmiac shooter?
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Titanfall looked good, and so did Witcher 3, though I already had a feeling Witcher 3 was going to be badass.
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I really loved the look of Titanfall, I'm just pissed that its exclusive.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    titanfall is going on pc as well from what I hear.
  7. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Star Wars: Battlefront is actually happening.
  8. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I can't believe they turned Plants vs Zombies into a generic FPS 0.o

    It's like they take all their ideas, and stuff them into their EA-brand FPS mould.

    Also, Titanfall looks a lot like Hawken
    #8 SilentJacket, Jun 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
  9. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    it definitely looked third person to me. and it looked fun. and its not like they made it in place of pvz 2, just in addition.

    the games that have stood out to me so far have been titanfall, the division, killer instinct (so happy), and the announcement of battlefront.
  10. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Titanfall reminds me of a modern rendition of Attack on Titan.
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lolno it isnt.

    Having little butt-thrusters doesnt make it the same, considering thats where the similarities stop. That said, an Attack on Titan game... that would be sweet.
  12. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Sony's conference would have been a lot better if they focused more on their exclusive games instead of focusing on multi-platform games and making fun of Microsoft.
  13. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Sony killed.

    While the software and exclusives weren't great, what really did it for them was their second-half. The start of their conference was really slow, and honestly I would have probably turned it off sooner if it wasn't for Destiny. It honestly felt like the conference was just a afterthought, since they showed all their impressive first party things at their PS4 reveal. The display of the console was really disappointing too. "Here it is!" and then they took it off stage shortly after.

    But then the knife was drawn. Sony took no time in their second half to quickly and mercilessly dispell each and every "deciding factor" in this console race. No DRM, Freedom to trade and share games, and most importantly, lack of always-on. They took a stab and it sunk deep into the high Microsoft rode in on after their own conference. The final blow happened with Destiny, followed with the crazy price differential between the consoles.

    I'll be making videos on the subject of E3. This was only a sneak peak.
  14. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    So the ones I have seen look cool (Quantum Break, Titan Fall, Watch Dogs, AC4, Dead Rising. Ya know cool ones) But I was watching The Divison thing. And I was like, oh, thats cool. Nice cover system... Wow thats a sweet map set. Huh using skills to buy gernades. Thats sweet. But then the dude he was playing with was like "watch out there is another squade, brace for PvP."
    "brace for PvP"
    Chills up and down my spine and everywhere else. What these new consoles are going to be able to do will be scary.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    You know the people talking were actual people, not part of the game, right?
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    You've got to hand it to Sony though, when they smell blood in the water.

    I'm still watching the conferences since I had work and then class today but I just watched the Microsoft one. I thought the Halo 5 CGI trailer was pretty neat (if in concept a little silly. I know they were going for the whole "who's it gonna be" mysterious reveal, but, I mean come one, he's a dude in a power suit in a desert with no one else around, he doesn't need the tattered rags. I think by now we can just introduce Master Chief shotgunning a grunt in the face while simultaneously doing his taxes and we'd think it was cool.

    Also, while watching the gameplay footage of "Ryse", I couldn't help but think "hey, it's Quick Time Event: The Game".
    #16 PacMonster1, Jun 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  17. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    Microsoft's best option would be to reveal that all of their proposed restrictions were actually false, and they would lower the price to $398. That way, Sony would have been wasting their time on stage assaulting the Xbox One, and many gamers would prefer purchasing the latter console now.
  18. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    there is no way they could play that down.

    MS has pretty much screwed themselves over. To old gamers, they know how ridiculous the new DRM is

    for new gamers, word gets around, little guy buying his first console will (hopefully) ask questions, why deal with finicky DRM when you can use some other console with (most of) the same games

    and with Halo's decline, MS can't rely on it's exclusivity as a selling point.
  19. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    The IGN guys went over this in their Sony post show. It would be a terrible idea for Microsoft to come out and say "well, we ****ed up" because it shows weakness. You don't want to show weakness on the internet, because once you do, you're at the mercy of the whole internet. What Microsoft needs to do is figure out how to cut costs in time for release, but they need to do it soon. The DRM is not as much of a selling point if the consoles themselves are the same price. People won't pay even more to be restricted in what they can do.

    Microsoft undoubtedly has much better launch titles, and that could easily win them the market share early if and only if they can get people looking past the large price and DRM restrictions. An idea Garrett and I had was to subsidize the price like they're doing currently. $99 with an additional gold membership charged. Obviously, $99 will be quite low for the launch console, but if they could even lower it to $350, they would make a killing.
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Just a point of clarification, other than Ryse, no other game was announced as a "launch title" for the Xbox One, at least not that I remember. "Launch Window" can stretch quite a bit of time.

    Some of the games that might be launch titles are duel 360/Xbox One games

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