*Temporarily freaks out upon receiving this information, then falls to the ground dead. Moments later, I am revived by the thoughts of an ****.* That's not how I feel. I swear!!! (Edit: Holy F-wording mother of Tom Cruise, 11 1/2 more hours! That means I'll awake with shzeet in mi drurzz.)
YAYAYAYAYAYAY I hope that means that maybe... THE MYTHIC MAP PACK COMES OUT ON the 25th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D =D =D
lololololol. Those all caps things are funny. PARDON OUR DUST. KEEP IT CLEAN. God, they sure are neat freaks.
It'll be bigger than that. There's been way too much superintendant-related hype to just be a map pack, and it sounds like Bungie doesn't even have a release date set internally for Mythic yet ("when we hear from our publishers" etc.) It will most likely be an announcement of a new game, I think.
It's not maps; -From the B.net front page about 4 hours ago - link (towards bottom) So all the rumors about us getting 6 or 7 maps tomorrow...busted. I agree with Shady, probably news on a new game.
Well, that's great that it is an announcement of a new game, but I would rather get new Halo 3 material on it's birthday, cause it is H3's birthday, not Bungies, but w/e, we will see at 7 AM tomorrow (right before I go to school)
but i want new maps tho i am excited to see what it is going to be.... :< or :> i cant deciede lol now im all excited i hope i can sleep tonight with dreams of Rocket luancers and new maps dancing in my head.... lol nothing is heard not even a hint for bungie is just a 6 yr old TWIT lol haha okay im done now that was spossed to be like the night b4 christmas lol if u didnt catch that im all hyper now oh joy
November 15 will mark 7 years of Halo. If I were to bet on a date for the Mythic map pack, it would be then. If we're getting a new game announcement, it will be later than that (under two months is not long enough to promote a game, especially one from Bungie).
Bungie finally has their giant slingshot! Everyone get to cover immediately before green squares fly at you!
If it was Bungies new game it would be ludicrous to promote and release a new game on the old games birthday... I dunno, sounds kinda stupid... however, although maps may not be released, they never said that they couldn't give us info on them.
A little under 3 hours. In other words, 7:00 PST Of course, its got to be on a 7. Too bad I'll be at school so I'll have to wait until tomorrow EDIT: Ivory, I'd say its Mythic, and its six maps and the release dates and such. Which means I need to go buy some points, pronto.