Conviction was decent in the way that you could be stealthy if you wanted. Buuut, going in guns blazing was more effective. Still, I'd say that option will still be available here, but coming from someone who's followed that series through and through, I will miss Michael Ironside more than words can express. Dat voice man, dat signature voice. Now it's just "Generic action hero 2".
I remember when I first got double agent.. and played through it at least 5 times. That game was pretty damn fun, but the first was the best. I haven't played any of the newer ones. I was going to get Conviction but it ended up taking so long that I kinda forgot about it. The series looks like it's changed quite a bit after seeing this new trailer :l I love sneaking/silent killing n' stuff. For instance, I'd always love playing as the green beret dude in Commandos (for those who've played/know of it).
Here's some more game trailers/gameplay from games that weren't shown during the big conferences yesterday and this morning. I suggest watching all of these in HD if possible. If any of these were shown at the main conferences...whoops. XCOM: Enemy Unknown XCOM: Enemy Unknown Trailer - E3 2012 - YouTube Hitman Absolution [E3 2012] Hitman Absolution - world's first hands-on footage - YouTube Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2 - E3 2012: Zero Walkthrough - YouTube The Elder Scrolls Online The Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay - E3 2012 - YouTube Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Gameplay - The First Mission - YouTube Dishonored Dishonored Gameplay - E3 2012 - YouTube Specifically for sky. Seriously, no one else look at this, just sky. In one buy this either - Persona 4 Arena Persona 4 Arena E3 2012 Trailer [HD] - YouTube Lost Planet 3 Lost Planet 3 E3 2012 Trailer [HD] - YouTube No one cares about Devil May Cry, no trailer for you Dust 514 DUST 514 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (I don't count Konami's pre-conference a main conference) Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - E3 2012 Exclusive Trailer - YouTube Star Wars 1313 Star Wars: 1313 Gameplay - E3 2012 - YouTube Project P-100 (A Wii-U exclusive) Project P-100 Gameplay - E3 2012 - YouTube Sleeping Dogs Sleeping Dogs E3 2012 Trailer [HD] - YouTube Defiance Defiance E3 2012 Trailer [HD] - YouTube Injustice: Gods Among Us Injustice Trailer - Gods Among Us - YouTube
dammit I was really hoping Rockstar was going to show something off of GTA V To me this was not an exciting E3 at all really.
Rockstar hasn't been to E3 for a long time. It didn't surprise me to see that they aren't there again. I wish they would go. GTA V is on the top of my list for games I need to get.
I'm usually not interested in anything to do with Star Wars, but the vid or 1313 actually looked pretty sweet.
I've been waiting for a good Star Wars game for a long time. I feel like it got bad after Battlefront 2 (great game btw)
I love real-time strategy games, especially the ones from Firaxis. I've read an article in gameinformer detailing the game, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and I now I want it even more than ever after seeing it at E3.