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I understand that its not just for me, but I dont consider myself a hardcore gamer (I owned Viva Pinata, for gods sake ). I know that the Kinect is a new and exciting device, and its opening up possibilities for a lot more people to get into gaming that otherwise wouldnt, but it just seems that what they had in the show was poorly implemented. Yeh, Fun Labs looks cool, but all that stuff should have been included in the original launch of the Kinect. They knew what it could do, but it took hackers for them to actually implement it onto the system. Most of what was shown in that demo was promised when it was released. Im just saying that there wasnt a whole hell of a lot for those people that may not want to play Kinect, thats all. And sorry, "plugged" is exclusively an Aussie term, I think. It means shameless advertising. ; ) That is probably true. Like yourself, I dont really care about the Kinect, but what you said sounds like a probable answer. But my point is that its an unnecessary addition to a game, simply for a gimmick. It may not take anything away from the game, but it just seems like a sneaky way to try and get people excited for Kinect and go buy one because one of their favourite franchises is suddenly jumping on the bandwagon, whereas existing tech could achieve the same results, IMO. In EndWar it was a necessity, I think.
I only use it as a euphamism for not pooping. What I wish the kinect could lead to is a game like EndWar where you are in a star-trek-ish ship and you're using one of those hologram/glass screen things to direct troops
So an RTS. That would be terrible. There is far fewer range of input to be had with body movement and it's slower than a controller. Here's what shouldn't be made using Kinect -RTS's -FPS's -Adventure -Platformer They should look to party games, other genres, or make a new genre up.
I don't know, but if making a FPS kinect game, why not release it with a like weapon like on the Wii. But then again, the whole marketing of "USE YOUR BODY HERP" pretty much ruined it and so an FPS will never work, especially with the open hand shot lol, what the **** where they even thinking?
I disagree, from what I've seen in the Ghost Recon trailer, that gameplay control scheme looks amazing. I certainly couldnt think of something better. Looks like it'd be pretty natural. Definitely wouldnt work for matchmaking tho, IMO. The input delay for all Kinect games is just too much to fix with hitscan and similar techniques.
I'm sayin it only follows your hands and your voice. thats it. I would also love a fps with a weapon that has designated sensor areas for the kinect so that it picks it up easier and with squad-related hand signals. It wouldn't do multiplayer though, unless it was a co-op where two squads worked together parallel (one puts down cover so the other can storm the trenches)
I'm betting they were incentivised by Microsoft to incorporate Kinect into their game as Microsoft is doing will all of the major titles. My friend told me that in the future Kinect will be required with all Kinect compatible games, which include big titles like Ghost Recon and ME:3. Good business for Microsoft, but pretty **** move. Hunching over for an hour doing that motion would not be fun to do. FPS's just don't suit the Kinect or really any motion capture device. If that's the best that can be done, don't do it. Make something different that will be a lot of fun to play, not a chore. Gamers will do what's easiest and most intuitive to do. With an FPS, a controller is just that. It has a trigger for ****s sake. The gun smith was cool though. I did like that. It's difficult enough to learn controls and use them efficiently in combat. A controller is more intuitive for players than memorizing hand signals and voice commands. It's also fatiguing to a lot of players to stand up in an activity that doesn't necessitate the need to. A dance party game is necessary for players to get up and move to, but and FPS, not really. Can you imagine crouching repeatedly for an hour in a rails shooter? EDIT: Papo and Yo http://www.1up.com/news/e3-papo-and-yo This looks like an interesting concept. A lot of potential there. I'm looking forward to it next year.
he's hunching for theatric effect. that means you could sit down and play it with kinect. although i dont see how you'd move around.
Kinect could handle Time Crisis! (remember those arcade games at Main Event and the like?) Are there any competitive racers where you are in a cockpit/driver seat yet?