E-Coli H:0157 WTF? I know, I'm a mind reader. So before I go into details about this map I would just like to say a few things. For starters, I know this map isn't omg worthy, and I can tell you honestly right now that I'm fine with that. The point of me posting this map is for my personal growth as a forger. I'd rather be told what I did wrong, or what I need to do than that I did a great job. So please, critique me, share your wealth of knowledge amongst my eager self. Now for the good stuff. . . This map is built on the half of foundry that doesn't have the crap with the stairs and rooms, that half of the map is segregated because it is inadequate and I am a racist prick. If you were to cut my map in half anyway, I can pretty much guarantee it will fold over and align perfectly. The weapon and spawn points also coincide, the only difference is one side is invisibility and the other is overshield. This is one of the examples of how I place things to cancel out and make the map fair for everyone. Each tower has a turret on top and a sniper within the base. Snipers can eliminate the turrets, and turrets can get rid of people in the middle killing the snipers and so on and so on. The middle of the map where players battle in a circular arena for a Gravity Hammer placed in the center. Surrounded by scenery to hide and battle to the center, players will find themselves generally well covered from snipers, turrets, and random shots from opponents flying across the man cannons. Oh! The man cannons! They are placed on opposite sides to transport players from their home base to flank opponents on the opposite end. The man cannons do not shoot people on the same side of the map in mid air as in Narrows. Now let me go over a couple of the finer points for you. Weapons: Shotgunx2 Spikerx8 Smgx4 Sniperx2 Plasma Pistolx2 Machine Gun Turretsx2 Needlersx4 Maulersx2 Gravity Hammerx1 Equipment: Plasmax2 Spikerx2 Invisibiltyx1 Overshieldx1 Powerdrainx1 Regeneratorx1 Screenshots: Download Map: E-Coli H:0157 Download Variant: Spinach Edit: Now images are up and you guys can talk less about the quality of the post and more about the content of the post, thank you.
Do NOT post if it is not complete. You must have your post 100% completed before posting. This tells me nothing about the map without pictures.
its E. Coli 'O'H:0157, if u want the deadly strain... and im gunna have to give u the link since u dont have screenshots This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
if you want people to download your map dont say ur new just post it because thell tell u wot u did wrong and write and put pictures on it. Photobucket is good. :squirrel_grouphug:
Actually, 'critique' is correct. I've critiqued your critique of his critique. Based on the name, it sounds interesting. Unfortunately, sounds interesting is all it can be without more detail...
thank you dr. jason. But I actually got e-coli from spinach and spent 4 months in a hospital, so I don't really think its funny. Plus, it doesn't sound as good.
What gametypes is this set up 4, because withoutlots I people, there will belits if weapons on the map- eg two shottys and a g hammer
this looks awesome, will it work with CTF? i downloaded, can you ceck out mine http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=7127.0, Battle ground, an intense map for intense players
i added another picture. and you right, i probably should have, but i had been playing a lot of 1v1 and i had my mind elsewhere