I fixed some bugs from the original map. Fixed the spawns. Weapon placement, and fixed all the spots you could escape from. Thanks to the people that got back to me on the map. +rep for you guys This map was originally going to be two buildings/bases that had a long bridge connecting the two. The two teams would try to evade each others bases trying to capture there flag. But in the middle of making the map I thought to my self and decided to delete one of the bases and turn the other one into a fun FFA map. My next map may be the two base idea. Thats how this baby was born. Thanks to MasterJelly7 I put a story. Ill post the pics again. Weapons on map Sniper x1 Spawn time: 60 seconds Battle rifle x3 spawn time: 30 seconds Carbine x2 spawn time: 30 seconds Mauler x1 spawn time: 45 seconds Rockets x1 Spawn time: 90 seconds Nice interlocking =] in my opinion This isnt a very good pic. Doesn't show the full map. Download V2
arn't these the same pics from the last one. i still liked the last one though so nice job. good interlocking.
Nice map! This looks like a nice improvement from V1 (saw it never commented though). Those angled boxes are a neat little touch and overall, everything looks smoothly merged together to create a bumb free map. However, those three boxes in the last pic look a BIT uneven, but I have yet to try the map out for myself so who am I to judge, right? I like the different elevations used as it offers for more unique firefights with people flying in from seemingly nowhere or sneaking under to get the drop on enemies. A lot of good stuff here and I don't see anything to complain about so overall, I'd say 9.1/100 and a 5 star from me.
It looks pretty good, but you should add some more information. Some about weapon spawns and location, weapon starts, maybe some more pictures, a story to the map?, anything you see fit. It would get a lot more downloads with information.
This is pretty good, I see that you imrpoived on the map, but mabye you should have called it V 1.1 but that's just my opinion, the map still is good on interlocking and still has the same fun look as V.1 which is why I won't be bothered by download this.
No problem. When I comment about a map, I make sure to try and find things to point out so that my post is longer than a three word sentence. It's kinda one of my pet peeves. I hate when people spam (IMHO) threads with "looks good dling" or "needs intelocking x/5" (IMHO that is most definitely spam). Cause I figure if you made a map that showcases the best of your abilities and then took the time to post it on here professionally (title, description, pics, etc.) then you deserve my time in a decent, descriptive post.