Dynasty is a midsize map reminiscent of sword base and colossus. It has a total of four levels if you count the upper walkways and the high ledge atop the waterfall. The main hall is somewhat open, with more cover provided in the exterior parts of the map. Here are some overview shots: This is the attackers' spawn and flag area: The defenders' spawn and flag area: Here is the main hall, note the waterfall/fountain: Drop down the hole in front of the waterfall to get to the bottom floor and the base of the fountain (minimal fall damage). From the window bay here you have a decent view of the real waterfalls in the background: The basement has a sort of mall or subway feel to it, although I would have made it more interesting if I had more useful pieces left (it was slightly lower on the list of priorities): In the back left of this pic on the attacker's side is a small rock garden area to allow for another call out, and this is also where grenade launcher spawns: Here is the courtyard with the rockets just in front of the man cannon that sends you back inside: I have added a soft kill zone to the wall of windows to keep jetpackers from camping up there, but it barely shows up for an instant when taking the man cannon. I have also added lots of soft kill boundaries to prevent certain heights from being reached, walls being scaled, etc. The weapons are as follows: 6x DMR, 4 spare clips, 30 seconds 1x rocket launcher - 1 spare clip, 180 seconds 1x sniper rifle - 1 spare clip, 180 seconds 2x shotgun, no spare clips, 180 seconds 1x concussion rifle, 90 seconds 1x grenade launcher, 90 seconds 1x needler 1x plasma pistol 1x plasma repeater 1x needle rifle 2x pistol 2x assault rifle 12x frag grenades 6x plasma grenades 5x health packs I chose to make the flag positions diagonal across the map instead of just making it high ground versus low ground. With the same diagonal team slayer spawns, I intended for the attackers spawn slightly closer to the rocket in the courtyard, whereas the defenders have a short path up to the sniper rifle via a grav lift. But since the attackers also have a chance of getting the sniper by taking the centermost man cannon, I also put one of the defenders' initial spawns at nearly equal access to the rocket launcher. Because of sheer numbers spawning closer to one or the other, the attackers should tend to win the rocket and the defenders should tend to get the sniper. Thus sometimes there can be an initial faceoff between sniper and rocket if the attacker decides to take the courtyard man cannon back into the main hall. I am pretty confident about the weapon choices and placements but I am open to suggestions. I would also always like to hear about problems with spawning and the fairness of weapon access. I have not tested the map with a larger party so I am interested in hearing about how it goes, especially if lag is an issue in the main hall. Please give me any feedback you can about your impressions and experience of the map. Also, if anyone is interested in playing the map with me, friend me or message me on xbl and we can try to get a group together. Thanks for downloading!
nice forging....my only opinion is to switch the directions of this glass windows so you dont have all those ledges sticking out...so try turning the windows UP-and-DOWN instead of side-to-side
nice job, the aesthetics are nice and the forging is clean. I like all the details and bridges. The only complaint is that you should add some support beams, makes it look less spacey and blocks some view for better gameplay so you can't get shot from allover the room.
My box is red-ringed at the moment, so I can't download your map. But from your post I'm guessing you may be having some frame-rate issues. If that's the case, replacing that giant glass wall with larger, non-transparent objects would help that problem. Or at least the top 3 tiers because I don't see them being useful for players to look out onto some other part of the battlefield (unless they're jetpacking, which is momentary anyway) since there's no platforms that high up. That way the engine will have to render less objects when looking in the direction of that glass wall and it won't have to render what lies beyond since it's now opaque. So yeah if you do in fact have framerate lag, I would suggest doing that.
Agree with dulden, your map is open. The sniper basically controls that floor, but it is hard to get to. Otherwise, weapon placement and map layout is awesome. The rocket launcher is in a very good place, along with the shotguns. However, I thought the shotguns were a bit underpowered because you can see your opponent from a long ways off. Great map!
Thanks for your comments. I think I know what you mean by up and down. I think this might be better on the one hand because this might reduce the number of them needed, but I actually like the aesthetic it has now. I think the bars that jut out on the outside actually give it a more defined look. I am thinking about adding some beams to the sniper side of the walkways that extends high enough to prove cover both on and beneath the walkway, but I'm not sure what pieces I have left to use. Do you guys have advice on this? I may use more of those 3x1 blocks that make up the walkways themselves. That's the thing, I haven't played a large enough game to encounter any lag so far. I agree that eliminating (or atleast blocking view of them on the inside) would reduce the framerate problem but I hate to sacrifice the aesthetic appeal. If lag does pose a problem for 4v4, I will keep your idea in mind. The sniper balcony actually has many pathways to get up to it. The exterior ramps lead up to the walkways right in front of the sniper, so it loses its range advantage. Also, making it to the lift in the center sends you right up to it, though i may need to add more cover to make it easier to actually get to such a centrally open spot. Because the sniper area has so many areas to look to and defend from, I have not seen it as too easy to defend so far, but I may be wrong. Your point is also well taken about the shotguns. I'm either going to add another clip to each or add some opaque cover/ rooms to the basement area. Thank you all for the feedback! After some more thought, I will consider it all in releasing a version 2. Like I said before if anyone wants to play on the map or one of my other maps, just let me know.
Work Needed but still good! Well it's great to see you up an forging, and when I go from one map to another, I usually see improvements, but that doesn't mean that there won't be some problems . To start off: High Ground. Overall? Your recreation of High Ground was stunning, I am very impressed by your use of techniques, and the recreation of the map was B-e-a-u-tiful, but some things were not as nice. Pros: Lets start off nice eh? The map construction was solid, as was most of the other maps I viewed, and your changes in the weapon placement were smart. Graphically, it was pleasing to see an old favorite so well represented in forge, and game-play was as smooth as ever. Cons: Not to be mean, but it need some work. Sure, the weapons and re-enactment were nice, but lets face it, when you have to recreate something has has "push button actions", it doesn't feel like the same map, thing like the bunker door and the gates were acceptable but disappointing, but the fact that you did not use any soft-safe zones really makes me angry. Instead of placing so many "wall-colosseum"s around, you could have made the basic outline with the scenery, like using sea-stacks, those things are huge, and could really bring out some touch, and using safe zones would have made the map seem more like it's old cousin, sure, there would be a couple of places it couldn't reach, but shaving a few inches off a map that will still function well without them is better than a non-graphically pleasing version of the map . Next-up; Isolation. Pros: Lets start off with the nice remarks, shall we? The map, while over-chromed, is visually pleasing, as it is nice to have the feel of good ol' isolation, and the weapon substitutions aren't bad either. Unfortunately, that was the easy part... Cons: Once again, we have to face facts that with every map, there will be problems. The use of wall colosseum was smart, as the original Isolation looked like that, but the ground, oh, my eyes! Dude, we have the "Natural" category for a reason, and if that isn't an option you could have built it off the edge of alaska, so you could have used some of the grass there. Sure, futuristic maps are cool, but if the main idea of the map is that it is on the ground, with grass, is that there should at least be some ground. Not last and not least, we have Confrontation. Pros: Luckily, there are a lot of things that are good and pleasing about this map, from the evenly-spaced game-play, to the overly-used rockets this map has good flow and use of items. the layout of the map i think looks like a squared figure eight, which is good, due to there being multiple levels which allows for many good ambushes and memories to remember! Cons: Even better, there are almost none! One of my only complaints is the fact that there are bad vehicle choices on the map; only one mongoose, cmon' man, that's the most fun part! Last and certainly not least, we have Traxus Atrium! Pros: Wow oh wow, was I excited to play this map, being one of my favorite levels to play, the game-play and flow are as smooth as ever, and the added walkways are nice touches. Cons: My only complaint is weapon choice, some of the weapons may have been good in campaign, but here, they are either too overpowering, or useless. One more thing, vehicles! There should be at least a mongoose, the speed will in turn speed up the flow, and create a hotspot fo the car. Overall, you definitely know how to forge, but you need some more know how, I will be back to critique some more of your maps, but keep on forging!!!