Map made by Mearm. Players: 8-16 Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, Team KOTH, Territories Well here is my newest map, Dynamic. It is an Asymetrical Crypt-level map using pretty much all the floor space in the Crypt. This map uses different floors and interconnecting walkways as most of the main structuring. There is also a large walkway in the middle that has the Spartan Laser on it. This is the only structure that does not have a pathway to any other parts of the map. As with a map like this, height advantage is a deadly ally, but with all of the bridges and buildings, there is plenty of cover to be had.Weapons: Battle Rifle x8, 45 second respawn, 2 extra clips SMG x4, 45 second respawn, 2 extra clips Shotgun x2, 120 second respawn, 0 extra clips Sniper x2, 120 second respawn, 1 extra clip Plasma Pistol x2, 60 second respawn Plasma Rifle x2, 45 second respawn Needler x2, 60 second respawn, 2 extra clips Brute Shot x2, 60 second respawn, 1 extra clip Spartan Laser x1, 180 second respawn Carbine x6, 45 second respawn, 2 extra clips Fuel Rod Gun x1, 150 second respawn, 1 extra clip Sentinal Beam x1, 180 second respawn MG Turret x2, 180 second respawn Equipment: Frag Grenades x4, 20 second respawn Plasma Grenades x8, 20 second respawn Bubble Shield x2, 60 second respawn Power Drain x1, 60 second respawn Trip Mine x1, 60 second respawn Regenerator x1, 60 second respawn Flare x1, 60 second respawn Overshields x1, 180 second respawn Active Camo x1, 180 second respawn Vehicles: Mongoose x2, 30 second respawn Ghost x1, 150 second respawn Overview Pictures There are two overview pictures of each base, one of the outside, and one of the inside. The outside of the base is made almost entirely out of walls, and you can see some stone platforms going out of the base. There are a total of 5 entrances into either base, and they usually lead to the 1st or 3rd floors. The second floor in the bases is usually only a ramp up to a stone block, and is very small. Red Base is different from Blue base, and you will be able to tell the difference by looking at the pictures of Blue base. In the back of each base is a lift that leads from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor, and at the top of the lift is where the Flag Spawn or Bomb Plant points are, as well as a plasma rifle. Likewise, here is the Blue Base. The differences from the Blue and Red bases are the internal designs. Blue base has a different lift than Red base, as well as the 3rd floor has a different design. There are other minor details that are different, but the bases are pretty much just similar. Outside of each base are some structures, on one side of the base is the Sniper hill, as well as the shotgun and overshield spawns. This side of the map is best noted for the giant hill against the wall, on which the sniper spawns at the top. There are fusion coils next to the sniper so that you can shoot at those to either knock off or weaken the sniper so you can finish him off quickly. On the other side of the base is an area that I like to call a Mini-base. It has a base kind of look to it, and has a few sub-power weapons, but no power weapons. Usually just a needler and a brute shot. This area also has a mongoose next to the base for transport. This is the Blue base's Sniper hill and Mini-Base. Basically the same, only with different structuring at the bottom, the actual hill is entirely the same, and I meant it to be that way. The Mini-Base however, is entirely different from its Red base counterpart. Differences are that this one is shorter than the other, but the part in the middle right in front of the base is taller than the Red base's middle part. Lastly, this is just an overview of the middle pathway. It has cover on the sides so you aren't immediately shot off, but not too much. As I said earlier, the Spartan Laser spawns in the middle, and suprisingly, it is not grabbed often. During testing, the teams went immediately toward the Sentinal Beam spawn (Directly under the Splaser spawn), ignoring other weapons and equipment that could have been useful. A bad decision, seeing as there is so many other good weapons to be had, with less risk of getting immediatly killed by frags. Action Shots The Ghost dominates the lower floor, but can easily be avioded and taken down by sticking to platforms, or just getting the Fuel Rod Gun or Splaser. A fusion coil a day keeps the sniper away. The Sentinal Beam is a devistating weapon at both long and close ranges, but with its quick overheating, you dont want to take on more than two enemies at once. [/URL] The sniper is very effective at the top of that hill. The reason I put the fusion coils in. Whoops wrong way. The Fuel Rod Gun is actually less suited than the rocket at long range, but at close quarters is a deadly asset. Look out above. The hill is dangerous to be in, as you have to watch all directions, even up. Yet another hill picture. ConclusionWow, this was a long post. I think this is the longest post I have ever done. Anyways, I'm really happy with the way the gameplay turned out on this map. It may seem like there are too many power weapons, but they are all used up at a fast rate and there are many to keep the gameplay interesting. Thanks to Parune for helping place spawn points and setting objectives, and for gathering random people from MM, even though you hate to do it. If you have any suggestions or comments on the map, please post them so I know what to fix for a V2 (maybe). Have fun. Download Dynamic
Damn straight I hate doing that. Anyways, I like the map, even though it has a lot of power weapons there is so much area to play on it doesn't realy make much of a difference. I liked the sniper spots and the lifts in the bases and to the bridge in the middle. Some suggestions for a V2 would be fix up some crooked things like in the interior picture for the blue base (because I know people are going to bash the tar out of you for that). Also, I would like alittle bit more creative bases other than walls and then platforms inside, but that will probably happen on another map. Thats probably all the suggestions I have, all you could really do is make it 'cleaner'. That said, nice map and whatever.
Heh, well anyway, yeah I see the crooked wall in the pic, and you know that all I have to use now is walls and single blocks, so I can't really do much about the look, and there isn't much space to work with so it was kind of difficult to build inside of the bases.