DISCLAIMER (READ FIRST): This thread is about the recreational use of the chemical dextromethorphan at specific levels in order to obtain it's euphoric and dissociative effects. I am in no way encouraging this practice. Please understand that even though DXM is not a scheduled controlled substance nor does it posses any addictive properties, that serious brain damage and other health problems can occur from it's use. DON'T DO IT. So recently I began using DXM recreationally, and let me say that it is one hell of a drug. I had heard stories from friends about "ROBO TRIPPIN" and figured it might be fun. Here is an account of one of my experiences. 1st trip: At about 12:00 My friend went into Winn Dixie to get some munchies, and when he came out he pulled out 2 bottles of Delsym brand 12-hour cough medicine (1000mg of DXM). I agreed to drink it with him and we both went over to one of my friend's houses. In the first hour and a half all I felt was unpleasant amounts of nausea, and I threw up once but after that the nausea went away. At about 2 and a half hours we went shoe shoping with my friends dad (who had no idea we did DXM) and I was feeling extreme euporia and for some reason I was acting very receptive, as in I was engaging myself into almost every conversation going on. Normally, I am a somewhat withdrawn person who wouldn't do so, but at the time I felt like everything that made me who I am (personality) was irrelevant and I could act however I wanted. Anyways, even though my vision was starting to distort at about 3 hours in (especially around lighted areas) I decided to go into the store with my friend who was sober and his dad. When I got in there, I lookeddown and it seemed like my feet and legs were on autopilot and walking took almost no effort. What did take more effort, was my overall cognition. I was struggling to think "How should a sober person act in this situation?" and just the process of thinking became difficult. On the way home, my friend who was tripping with me threw up in the car (he was sitting behind my sober friends dad xD). When we got back I sat on the porch and watched him clean out the car. Then we chilled on the porch for a while and my tripping friend layed down in the grass and stared at the sky, describing very abstract visualizations that he was seeing. For some reason, I was not tripping as hard as him at the time, and any visual distortons I was experiencing were strictly beinding of light and afterimages. My sober friend got 20$ from his dad and we called another guy over who had a car and after about an hour of phone calls, we were driving out Baldwin Park which is about a 20-30min drive from Orlando to pick up some other stuff. On the car ride there I was in the back seat by myself, and I remember feeling like I had to rub myself on the seat with my body and I was laying down and getting back up a lot. Also, the street lights and cars around us were kind of blending together as motion occured. Like as in when something moved, rather then passing in front of something else in my vision, they would blend together. When we got there we ad to wait like an hour for the guy we called to get to us and after driving him to another place, we finally got what we set out to get. Before dropping the guy back off we got out of the car for a minute and te guy tried to get me to catch a frog in the grass and I reached out and grabbed a handful of grass and dirt and then poked dog **** thinking it was the frog. Realizing there was no actual frog, and that the guy was ****ing with me, I got back in the car and we drove home. By now it was about 8:30 or so. I went and sat on the back porch (a screen room with a table and about 10 chairs) and by then there was a bunch of people who came over to party and **** (including his brother's older friends and band members). There was about 10 people chillin on the back porch with us and I remember as stuff was getting passed around, the whole table and the people around it were spinning around and blending. Concentrating was impossible and most people I tried to focus my vision at had 2 heads and were pulsating with afterimages. Talking was also hard, and I could easily point out that my overall brain function was slow and it took me a LOT longer to think of worded responses and then even longer to say them. After about 2 or 3 hours of this, the table died down to about 8 people, and I remember my vision close in around me and then all of the sudden I was on an island about 20 feet in diameter with white sand and a palm tree. I felt extremely dehydrated and I was almost certain I was going to die of thirst. I woke up to what I thought was the multiple grim reapers (where the face was supposed to be, there was just blackness) but as i regained consciousness I realized it was my friends crowded around me and one of them handing me a cup of water. The rest of the night was pretty fun. At one point my friend steven screamed really loud and when he did my vision and the entire world vibrated. For the most part I felt the euphoria described in earlier stages in my trip mixed with multi-heads and some of the things I was seeing seemed out of place, but I don't recall anything specific. Upon waking up the next day I still felt a slight euphoria mixed with dizziness and very minor visual vibrations and jerking. Except for the nausea in the beginning, I would say that it was a very positive experience. Does anybody else have any stories?