Thanks, I know you'll like it, and actually they can't go around in circles to gain points = ) you have to do the jump.
love the interlocking, but it looks just a little sloppy (not that that is bad, but....) is it just an 8?
It just looks sloppy because the video quality is crappy thanks to youtube. But when you play it it's great.
just watched the vid.. me and my brother play racetracks all the time, this look struly incredible, and would be perfect for the 1v1s we always play..
Looks awsome 5/5, i luv the starts 2 way interlocked turn . Also i luv how you pop out and go over the turn 5/5 again good job.
No that wouldn't work cause where you get the points is when you get shot up through the middle so you can't get it there Looks like really good map though it's queued for me !
I'm not gonna lie. If a racetrack ever gets featured, Dueling Dragons would be a contender, in my opinion!