Duck Hunt Revision 3.5 Created by HCB10456 Supported Gametypes: Custom Infection Gametype Map Description Duck Hunt is a very fun mini Game. What takes place on this map is that The yellow team the "ducks" start out in a container and must travel an obstacle course while trying not to get sniped by the person in the sniper perch who is the "Hunter". The game is won in two ways, One: If the hunter kills all the ducks, Two: if one of the ducks make it to the finish and kill the hunter. While the ducks traverse the course they find equipment that can aid them in the chance of killing the hunter. There are also barriers that provide cover for the ducks so it not just a killing spree every time for the hunter. It is best played with 4-16 people, the more the merrier! and played with the ducks gametype. Overview of the map Sniper Perch Last level _____________________________________________ Download Map Download Gametype
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wow i have never seen anything like this! except every time i open my eyes just kidding this map looks clean though and it also looks like it needs interlocking not a bad first post though
it's like that infected snipes game or watever its called. not very fond of it. but the map is ok. not original, again. 2.5/5
You really need to make the sniper cage inescapable. I know for a fact I can break out of that through the window panels.