--------------------------------------------------[Maps and Games]-------------------------------------------------- Duck Hunt Map Variant Duck Hunt Game Variant Good ol' game of Duck Hunt. The ducks need to get to the end without getting shot by the sniper in the sniper tower. Once at the end of the circuit the duck can kill the zombie sniper. Supports 2-16 players. Works best with 'Hit The Ducky' game variant.
I never thought of making a "Duck Hunt" on Sandbox, but it does seem perfect. Well done, Earthman. It's good.
I didn't play this map, but I have played a variation of duck hunt on sandbox... one thing I don't like is people using wall slits on sniper towers. I'd rather have a huge horizontal slot to snipe through without having to worry about a wall getting in my line of sight.
yeah well it makes it harder for the sniper.. as it can be very easy to shoot the ducks. Editing some parts and adding things for v2.