Dubzy - A CoD 4 Mini Edit - by Orphanslayer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SEXCAT69able, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. SEXCAT69able

    SEXCAT69able Forerunner

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    YouTube - Dubzy - Edited by Orphanslayer

    Youtube description: Just threw this together really quickly today cause I wanted to edit some CoD 4 clips and I didn't have anything to do while waiting to be able to capture some more angles for Phresh.

    All the clips are from a guy named DMG Dubzy who has all these clips available for practice.
    His channel: YouTube - DubStepZz's Channel

    It's pretty meh, the syncing is alright and I'm happy with the one transition, there's not much else to it but hopefully you still enjoy it.

    I may (probably) do more CoD 4 edits in the future cuz they're really fun. If anyone has any clips, feel free to send them to me :)
    I'll definitely spend more time on future vids, especially if they aren't just random clips i found.

    my channel: http://www.youtube.com/yccfilms
    #1 SEXCAT69able, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011

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