
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rootbear75, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. rootbear75

    rootbear75 Ancient
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    Hello all!

    This is my most recent work-in-progress. It should be excellent when its finished, and might even still be too big for 16 players. At the moment, I call it Duality. The title is still a work in progress. I am currently working on it with a guy called IBurn360, who is responsible for the sky bases. I am working on what we call the "Ground War." The sky bases will hold the capture points for all objective gametypes. Mostly going to be a Multi-Flag CTF map. And I will even make Territory and other possible types for it (to come wayyy after completion).

    Currently, there are 2 modes of travel to other bases. By Air: which is extremely risky as both bases possess immense Anti-Air defenses, or B: the ground, which can take quite a while, and you can still be sniped from the skybase while on the ground.

    Current ETA for this map: 2-8 weeks, depending on how often me and iburn are online, and how often we feel like forging.

    This Map IS Money glitched (hence the objects in the back of the skybase pic), only so we wouldnt be limited but we might find we actually might end up in the budget.

    Ground Warfare (red base .... blue base will be symmetrical)

    Outside (1 sniper rifle at top of base with 3 sniper cover points using the Wall, Slit)

    Inside: (features 2 sets of up and down teleporters so you can't camp 1 and expect to see someone.)

    Skybase from the ground:

    Skybase from the top:

    the Banshee launchers in the back:

    Skybase inside:

    Let me know of any suggestions or critiques you have. I am always looking for some new insight.

    EDIT: Also, be advised, it is still under construction, so yes, there is a missing corner piece, i know.
    and a missing wedge.... etc...
    #1 rootbear75, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. Chemical Wasp

    Chemical Wasp Ancient
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    ok firsts thing first this should really be in the halo forge disscusion board because it is a work in progress not a finished map2. I thing it is good but i think you have to much just stick to the ground because it looks better and the top is way to power oreinted all those aircraft to much no offense and it would be hard to find people because they would just hide
  3. rootbear75

    rootbear75 Ancient
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    whoops sorry, i wasnt sure which forum it should have been in.

    actually, the main battle will be taking place on the ground. the air might stay, not too positive on that.
  4. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    this is the halo 3 forge discussion board!

    i think that thats gonna be to many aircraft vehicles.

    the bases look pretty cool though!
  5. rootbear75

    rootbear75 Ancient
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    it wasnt the H3 discussion board when i first posted it.

    also i have made changes. I'm making a platform in the middle with a standard hornet and a bansee on it. Only a receiver node is there, with 2 senders somewhere in each skybase. that way you cant a) hop across the easy way, and 2)have too much offensive firepower. otherwise, there is a single transport hornet in the back of the base where the banshee launchers used to be. I am still going to keep 1 Missle pod, 2 Machine turrets, and a stationary gauss hog/turret, as air defenses.

    still thinking of what the center of the ground war could be........ any ideas?

    Oh yes, I am putting capture points smack dab in the top of the base.

    :confused: also, I am thinking of making an assault variant where its in that center platform, and you HAVE to die, and drop it out of the sky to the ground for someone to recover it.
    #5 rootbear75, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009

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