Duality V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Furious D 18, May 5, 2008.

  1. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I'm surprised i didn't see this posted earlier ... it looks excellently executed :)

    You use of the different layouts for the different gametypes is something that is rarely seen (as you know, obviously).

    Its hard to say something other than what has already been said ... so i'm gonna download and have a blast tonight )providing my live is working :/
  2. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    I... am... so... mad... you... just... keep... making... amazing... maps... and... i... was... about... to... do.. just... this... but... you... beat... me... to... it.
    Yet despite this im still gonna download.
    5/5, man.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Man, this was what I was hoping for. A seemingly simple setup, but I know it wasn't simple to create. I love the idea of the vehicles being able to circle underneath the bases like sharks; great idea. The mancannon placement just above the ground so that the built in 'ceiling' slows your descent is an awesome touch that I'm betting not too many people have noticed. Hopefully this map will spark interest in making more layouts that change depending on the type of game you play. It's a great idea and way underutilized.
    The only problem I had with any part of the layout was the spawn points that were right at the front edges of both bases. From their directional placement, it seems as if your only option is to drop down into sharksville if you spawn under fire. I know you did a lot of testing and it may not have been an issue, but I thought I'd mention it because I know you don't do anything without reason and I'm curious to know what it is.
    But that's a very minor thing compared to how well this will play. I can almost smell the fun. I'm totally looking forward to getting some games on this.
  4. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I like how you solved the inherent distance issue that exists in foundry. Any flag or assault game designed in foundry really can't use vehicles since the empty floor required for vehicles usually results in a boring map, and an interesting looking map usually leaves no space for vehicles to move around. Which, you know, sucks because you can't have the classic capture the flag game (drive around in a big open area, then walk around inside the other team's base).

    With your map, it's like you took the normal landscape needed for a capture the flag game and shoved it into a box, keeping the center of the map flat but forcing the bases on the edge to move up over the floor, resulting in map that plays like a big wide open area yet keeps the action contained in a small space.

    Basically I'm saying I like this map.
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I've made a second version. I really hate doing that. But a couple things needed to be addressed.

    First, one of the CTF respawn areas was set to the wrong symmetry. Thanks to squidhands for finding it for me.

    Second, one of the fence walls was kind of ugly. It is now interlocked and looks considerably better. Thanks to Cosmic Rick for whining about that.

    Third, I added two CTF respawn areas (flag away) for symmetrical games to make respawning less predictable and frustrating when the enemy has your flag. Now you should (hopefully) sometimes respawn on the platform when your flag is away.

  6. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    It's what I do. Maybe I'll actually download the map now. Lol.

    And glad squid caught the flag error. It's always hard to catch all the little slips when you're setting it up for EVERY gametype. Once again, great work on the map.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Well, I hope you've learned your lesson, Furious. From now on you have to check with Cosmic and myself before publishing a map, lol.

    Seriously though, don't feel too bad at making an updated version. You can't always catch every last detail. Hell, MLG Onslaught is on version 8.3, so I think you're doing all right just putting out one updated version. And to continue parroting what Cosmic said, this is a great map.
  8. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well, I don't think Furious will have to edit his map to the extent of Onslaught, ehw, but this map is mostly already been hammered to work out the kinks, I myself can't really offer any complaints. Well, except the fact that the dumpster rooms look really noobish but other than that.....
  9. AcidChris

    AcidChris Ancient
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    Awesomely sweet.
  10. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Wow this is nice, i laughed though when i saw the name as i made a map with that exact same name but it was nowhere as good is this. Great job
  11. halomastre

    halomastre Ancient
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    i love the asametric to the symetric idea it is really cool it is also a neat map and good interlocking
  12. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks awsome good job man!

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks quite nice
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Community Reviewer: dented_drum
    Map Review- Duality

    I am reviewing Duality as a Premium Review. I have downloaded this map, and am reviewing it while looking at it both from my 360 and the thread itself.

    Description: 4.9/5

    I first had this at a 4.5/5. You can ask me why I had that, but I really wouldn't be able to tell you. When looking at maps, I find it hard to have a "medium" section. I always find a "ehhhh" or a "whoa." This map will definitely go in the latter of those two categories. However, I try not to allow my personal bias towards a map affect the review. You can expect that any grades not 5/5 on this map will be for very, very minor details. So, my original grade was basically trying to make it appear as if I didn't want to make sweet, sweet love to both the map and map-maker.

    Moving on to the evidence::::

    You gave details on pretty much everything. The only thing you lacked was a Weapons/Equipment list. Those are never necessary, but with their popularity now-a-days, I'd consider it good sport to put one in your thread. Everything else was solid, perfect. Your description of the Dumpster Rooms was quite impressive as well. Everything - A+.

    Pictures: 5/5

    In-game, I couldn't find a single key part of the map that you didn't show. You even gave pictures of the symmetry differences, which I must say are what impress me most about this map. You got geometry shots as well as action shots to show each and every necessary detail of this map. I wish I could find a reason to not appear as if I'm judging this upon bias, but I truly cannot find a flaw. So, 5/5.

    Map Idea: 5/5

    Again, I tried to find something to lower the grade, but I couldn't. What you aimed for and what you created seem to be in beautiful harmony. The symmetry is perfect. The spawns are perfect. Everything you could have possible envisioned appears to be present and very well-made. 5/5 for no flaws again.

    Map Quality {layout}: 4.9/5

    Alrighty, so here's the meat and bones. First, allow me to cover the things that kept you from a perfect 5 in this category:::

    * It is very possible to access the outer-ring ledge at the top of Foundry. When flying around this work of art, I theorized that you could have intended that. So, this didn't count off at all.

    * You used all four Grav-Lifts for this map. Two for each side that put you perfectly in a small tunnel. Now, I absolutely loved riding these Grav-Lifts. I actually delayed this review doing things like this. You had tons of nooks and such. As per the issue: they weren't on instant respawn. Again, you could have purposely done this, but I can see how having these up for the entire game would be beneficial. As I can only speculate this fact, you were only counted off .05 for this.

    * While the bases offer equal amounts of cover, and spawns provide plenty of room for expansion before being shot at, it seemed like anyone in the middle open-area would be easily killed from the players above. Again, I did not playtest this map, I merely gave it a Forge-through. So, I cannot rightfully say that I know this would happen. Also, you could have intended this as well. For those clouded reasons, this counted only .05 off as well.

    The good stuff??

    There was tons. I mean, like, dang... WOW (<<<my first thoughts)
    I've always despised the maps that use all of Foundry. I prefer maps to be made entirely of user-created flooring and walls. However, this fact only made me more enthused about this map. I loved it. If I can love a map that uses all of Foundry, I'm positive you'll have trouble finding anyone who dislikes this. You had a perfect geo-merge with the Crane, and matched it for symmetry purposes on the other side. You managed to use both a created flooring and Foundry's floor for a huge playing arena. Every turn of head shows the player a new facet of geometrical bliss. Spawn times on Weapons are superb. Their placement, as well as the placement of Equipment, is AMAZING. You even incorporated Deployable Covers and a Sentinal Beam. Stuff like this is pure genius. I love to see Forgers thinking outside the box. You thought outside the box and still managed to make an extremely professional map. My most sincere congratulations on the Scenery department, you aced it.

    Map Quality {looks}: 5/5

    I know I touched a bit on this with my last section, but the looks are flawless. Everything from the Barrels to the beautiful geo-merging is just beautiful. I found maybe two slight bumps. It was almost impossible to find one. The places that appeared to have a bump (such as where the Stairs connect on both opposite sides) didn't bump at all. I wish I could comment more, but there's only so many ways to say that this is perfection in map form. 5/5 for pure beauty.

    Comments: Please, Forge again. This is cemented to my hard drive for ages. Thanks for a beautiful map to play on and to review, and great job!

    Overall: 5/5

    ~ dented_drum (Forgehub) ~ being2nosey (Bungie.net)
    Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
    Furious D 18 likes this.
  15. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thank you for the review. As I said in your profile, I am very pleased with the thoroughness of your review. And the fact that you got an Infraction for providing a service to the community sickens me. I will see what I can do in your defense. My opinions don't mean as much as they used to around here, but I'll try anyway.

    And if you have new opinions or new thoughts after you play a custom game, please post those here as well. Or if you're worried about another Infraction, you can send them to me in a PM or on my public profile.

    Thanks again. You are a credit to the Community Reviewers.
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Well, the previous infraction was understandable. It was given by a mod that I respect, and I'm ok with taking the penalty. It'll expire anyways.

    That said, we just got done with a game on Duality. Only one of my friends didn't like the map, and I'm not sure why exactly. His microphone is currently broken, haha. As per the map itself, like I said, it played exactly like I pictured it playing. It was beautiful.

    The thing I liked the most is how diverse the weapon selection was. Every time I turned around, someone was coming around the corner with a different weapon. BR's are always fun, but I like to see a Forger exploit the new weapons we're given with H3.

    I was almost spawn-killed once. However, my clever skills helped me escape, haha. Other than that one time, spawn-killing was not an issue whatsoever. Now, a thing to consider is that we only had a 3V3 match. I would've liked to have had more players, but a few quit right after I sent you that message =[[

    Now, what I had suspected would happen with the open-arena didn't actually happen. I found that no matter where you were, you had a fair shot against the other team. If players were up top, they were too busy defending themselves from your teammates to shoot at you.

    Overall, my review is only backed up by the gameplay. I was thoroughly impressed with everything. Great job on this map!
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks again. It's always good to hear the someone enjoyed your "baby". Out of curiosity, what gametype did you play?

    Also, I feel like I should return the favor. Are there any of your maps that you'd like me to check out? I think that we probably have the same idea of what constitutes a quality map, so I'm curious to see what you've made.
  18. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I played Team Slayer with BR starts. I really wanted another game (I was thinking 1-Flag), but two folks left after that match. So, we were left with only four, and I'd hate to find flaws because I played with too few players, ya know?

    Like I said, I really wanted to check out an Asymmetric game, so I could take advantage of the effort you put there, but I was unable. I'll certainly have a few folks playing tomorrow, and I'll try to get in a game then as well. As a matter of fact, I'll be doing this for my own benefit, haha. I really, really liked playing on this map. Like I said, it's cemented to my hard drive. It's going nowhere. As soon as Grid (my Forge partner) gets back on, I'll be sure to show it to him as well. Super super super 'grats, bro.
  19. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    awesome job, the map looks cool, with nice interlocking, the dumpster room loks really inventive, 5/5 great job

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