Daily throughout the Bungie.net Forums are disccussion, *cough* rants *cough*, about which weapon or range is the best. I decided to incorporate this into Dual Range. Basically you have a Close Quarter area with open hallways and tube tunnels. The other side is a wider open space with elevated positions. Finally a wall or sorts seperates both sides. Sure you might do well on your side, but can you survive a trek to the other side? Sure this map won't win an beauty contests, but I hope others find it fun. Equipment Key 1x Needler 1x Magnum 2x Carbine 6x Frag Grenades 6x Plasma Grenades 1x Flamethrower 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Beam Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Mauler 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Plasma Pistol 2x Power Drain 2x Regenerator 1x Bubble Shield 4x Battle Rifle 2x Assualt Rifle 2x SMG Recommended Gametypes Objective Games CTF Assualt You can try Slayer, but i don't think the odd nature of the map would help out anyone in particular. Pictures Map Main View Red Side Red Base Blue Side/Base Download Dual Range Here Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
1. I like the layout. 2. You should have made the close quarters in the middle and the l;ong rang at the bases 3. I had this idea and you got to it before me. 4. 8/10 Good Job Keep Forging
i like the layout, seems very playable and looks like a lot of fun. the idea of the different sections being for different types of combat are brilliant! ive never played a map like this before, im gonna download and try get some plays, i like it alot. Good Job! 4/5!