FH People, I need help! I was wondering if it's possible to dual boot: Windows 7 x64 Mac OS X I use Windows 7 originally, and I have two Mac OS X install discs that came with my Macbook (Which I don't use because I have a much better computer upstairs, and because my Uncle uses it), I want to know if or how it's possible to dual boot these things. Thanks.
Installing Mac OS X on anything other than an Apple machine is a violation of the End User License Agreement and therefore illegal. I'm afraid on that note that I'll have to close this thread, and I'll be removing the links you posted, crypto. If you want to run Windows 7 as a dual boot with OS X on your Macbook then it's very easy, just use Spotlight to find the Bootcamp Assistant and it'll guide you through the process, though this will require a Windows 7 DVD and valid key.