Dry Ice

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Distractedone, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Distractedone

    Distractedone Ancient
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    First Published Map!

    This is a map that I created upon the discovery of a random icy slit above the camo room in Cold Storage. The entire map is encased in that icy slit. Just think of an ant farm... only much colder and littered with weapons and Spartans and equipment. The map is by no means organized, but should appeal to those looking for some hectic close range combat on a multi-leveled refrigerator. It also makes for some very pretty screen shots, thanks to the effect that the filters have on the icy fog.

    The Map can be downloaded here.

    I recommend slayer FFA and Oddball. The initial spawns are a little funny for oddball.

    And here are your screen shots:

    Bird View:
    Worm View:
    Bottom Floor:
    Top Floor:
    Middle Floor:

    Kronos likes this.
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Nice post.

    Anyway, I'm not a fan of these kind of maps.
    But, I noticed that area too, and I'm glad someone decided to make a map in there, so good job.

    It reminds me of those maps popping up on Rat's Nest behind the glass in the little rooms. Small area + Bunch of Stuff = Dead People.

    I'd give it a 4/5 because It's in the most awesomest place on Cold Storage EVAR.
    But, I hate that type of map, so 3/5.
  3. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Looks surprisingly like it could be fun. What's the weapons list? If I know what they are I might give it a download.
  4. Distractedone

    Distractedone Ancient
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    You'll find support weapons at ground level, mostly to help clear it out. That includes dual missile pods and a flame thrower. I did this simply because of how godly it feels to shoot the missiles at the upper levels. That, and your lifespan down there is never very long. You'll find swords at the very tops, as well as a hammer. There is also a Splazor and a Fuel Rod somwhere in the middle. Again, very chaotic gameplay, but the platforms severly limit all ranged weapons if you aren't on the ground. There's also a ton of equipment for protection. Nothing instantly respawns.
  5. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    Sounds like a lot of power weapons. I don't know if it'll play good. But I downloaded to see where the map takes place.
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Looks like a really nifty map.As I said before it is really hard to make a decent map on Cold Storage because of the lack of good forge items.But I really like how you used the maps geometry to make a very fun map.I love the idea of an ant farm so to see it being used in a map must be awsome.I realllllllly like it but I can see more stuff changing if you make a V2.

    Maybe put a teleporter somewhere in the ant farm and make it lead to a little boxed in room that has something to do with the map.But I'm still downloading and I hope you make more awsome maps!=)
  7. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    Looks like one of those epitaph maps that doesn't have too much to it besides grav-hammers. Looks fun though, and something my friends would play all day.

    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  8. Guitarmasta2

    Guitarmasta2 Ancient
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    wow this can mean new possibilities on cs because everyone says it sucks for forge
  9. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    this would make for some fast paced and awesome cqb games. good job.
  10. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    welcome to forgehub!!!!
    This is a great first post I'm very impressed! Looks like anice Cold Storage map hope to see much more from you in the future!
  11. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Thats a pretty cool map, I like the way you had 3 floors that look basically the same.


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