Small text is better than big, I don't get what you meanby noob sig maker, and the pic is a drop kick. And it's a sprite. So a lot of people that don't see my sigs don't know my sprite style.
If its your best, current it. I like the effects but I can't really see the render and the text is a bit small for me to read. (NOT TRYING TO ADVERTISE BUT GO TO MY COREY TAYLOR THREAD **** IN NEED FEEDBACK ALL I HAVE BEEN DOING IS GIVING IT). Make a V2 but clear up the render a bit more.
I like it, but not your best. Focal, is too overshadowed. As in is not much of a focal. Not actual shadow.
I am pretty sure he got that joke... Figuring the difference between your two experience in PS/Gimp (not trying to offend).
I can't tell sarcasm over the internet, unless it's hardcore and I know you. But yeah. I guess it's over shadowed. Trying to fix it now. Didn't save as PSD >=( EDIT: New version. Tried to fix it up. Purple ftw?
Ah I see, alright sounds good, I will be standing by for the next version, I might not reply until tomorrow evening though, but I probably will reply today.
V2 is much more clear, now just keep that little clip of his foot back in there, it looked good. Also make a black and white version please I want to see the effects with out colour, the reason B&W looks good is because you can look at the effects more than concentrating on the colours.