Hey I'm just wondering how do you place weapons that drop spawn? Like they do on all the MLG maps. Thanks.
Place it higher than one crate. A really good player who knows his timers can effectively catch it in midair, and can recreate the problem drop-spawning was trying to prevent in the first place. Place it higher than a player can jump.
To make the pickup timers for Sniper Rifles and Rockets accurate. As it sits, they will not correctly spawn at the designated time, it's a few seconds off. Weird glitch.
More specifically, to make weapons spawn at regular intervals throughout the game. Weapons do not begin their respawn timers until they are disturbed, so if a weapon is set to spawn sitting on the ground it will not be disturbed until it is picked up or displaced by a grenade or something. Then only one team knows when it will respawn again; the team that last picked it up. With a drop spawn, gravity displaces the object and begins the respawn timer as soon as it spawns to begin with. This way, it will spawn at the beginning of the game, and instantly begin its respawn timer, and both teams know what the timer is for the next one, and every one afterward. You should listen to squidhands and place it higher than one box though, because a quick player can pick up a weapon before it is considered displaced by gravity if he knows the respawn, and then nobody knows for sure the respawn timer for the next one. MLG uses drop spawns to make sure both teams have an equal chance at the weapon for the whole game, not just the team that times when they last picked it up. This promotes movement because the team that controls that area of the map when the item respawns will get it and score a few more kills, and if a team decides to camp sword for example, they have to come out at the rocket timer.
Thanks, I wondered what drop spawning was. Stack up two crates, put a weapon holder on top to stabilise the crates, put the weapon in the WH, delete the crates, and once the weapon has stopped moving in the wepaon holder, delete the weapon holder. The weapon should float there. Fly into it as the orb or shoot it as a human and it'll fall. It will now spawn up there. Make sure you select the placing options of the weapon BEFORE you delete the weapon holder. Thanks, that's even more helpful. Now I know what drop spawning is for. Hope I helped the OP.
Not really a glitch, the drop spawns make the item immediately start the respawn counter, because the weapons are immediately off of their designated respawn. Otherwise, you have to wait for someone to pick up the weapon for the respawn timer to start.
I say "glitch" because it was set up differently in the previous Halo games and they are the only two weapons that are affected by the dropspawn.