Drop Spawning Weapons

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Berb, Jul 30, 2011.

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  1. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey guys i was just wondering if there is an thread already about drop spawning weapons? like what they are, what they do and how they differ from regular spawning weapons
  2. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    I don't know if there is a thread, but Drop Spawning is when a weapon spawns every 2 minutes (?) regardless of who has it. The weapon spawns in the air, then falls to where it is.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I can shed some light on this. Drop spawning is something done by MLG to mimic old-school Halo spawning, where the respawn timer starts at the beginning of the game. The weapon spawns every x number of minutes or seconds. If you have a drop spawned weapon set to 2 minutes, it would spawn into the game at 12 minutes, 10 minutes, 8, etc. This differs from regular Reach spawning because the weapon spawn timer on standard Bungie maps (without drop spawns) initiates when a weapon is moved (as by an explosion) or picked up. Respawn times on weapons in regular maps can be erratic depending what happens to them, but in drop spawn scenarios the respawning is predictable, even if you didn't see when or if a particular weapon was picked up.

    There are some quirks of drop spawns as well:

    1. If the weapon doesn't get picked up within a certain amount of time, it despawns. Most moveable Halo objects (crates, vehicles, etc.) do this, and the weapons do too. They will respawn at the usual time, but this means there may be chunks of the game where no one has a weapon and it actually doesn't exist, because it wasn't picked up soon enough after it dropped in. I'm not positive how much time is required for the despawn to happen.

    2. Weapons can be "dirtied" by picking them up as they drop. This messes with the respawn timer.


    Generally MLG timers are set to an interval that gives them time to drop and kick off the respawn timer on a predictable cycle. So for intance, 118 seconds instead of 120, things like that. The MLG site lists their recommended spawn times for power weapons (they do not bother drop-spawning regular weapons).

    As for how to drop spawn, it's easy:

    a. Sit the weapon down where you want it to end up.
    b. Change its physics to Fixed.
    c. While holding it, use coordinate edit to bump it up ten notches in height.
    d. Let go of it so it floats in the air.
    e. Hover your cursor over it and without grabbing it, change its physics back to Normal.

    When you start a new game or round, the weapon will drop spawn from where you left it.
  4. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok thanks guys, yeah a moderator can lock this thread, ive got what i needed.
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