Okay I have looked around and can't find anything like this, I have even tried it myself. But I want to make a literal cannon (tube and everything) That shoots the drop pods with people in them(the pods where two barriers are phased together). I can't get it to work. my goal is to have a way for a player to launch across the map safely without being sniped or blow to bits. I have a ship to shore map (in forge world) and I would like the ship or shore to have cannons that shoot people to other. I would preferably like to not use explosives because I want this to be lift activated or powered, also explosives are costly when I could use them somewhere else. Any ideas of how I could accomplish this or something similar? if there is a similar post then I apologize.
I highly doubt this is possible simply because that drop pod method doesn't exactly stay together all that well. Don't get me wrong, if done right it works great for it's purpose, but it most likely will not work for this purpose.
what you can do is launch them the sameway but with a custom powerup that would make them invincible for how ever long they are in the air. it may not look good but it will get it done
I don't think this would be worth the trouble and budget. In it's simplest form you would need a mancannon to push the drop pod. From there arise a variety of problems. Just off the top of my head I see the pod immediately splitting, a possible splatter, the awkward positioning of the pod to get the desired angle, and the noise of a movable object being continuously forced around/against a non-movable object. For gameplay purposes it would be wiser to make aesthetically appealing and fitting structures that contain simple mancannons.
This would almost surely kill the player, especially if they're not host. That's one of the main drawbacks of the drop pods that use the barricades, to be mostly successful, you need to be host. Even then, it's a common occurrence that you die from the pod's rapid vibration. A man cannon that is going to shoot you a far distance is most likely going to impart enough force and velocity that, aside from splitting the pod, will result in a player death. Like mentioned above, making a simple aesthetically pleasing man cannon (that's less than lethal) is your best option.
lol. Alright, I get what ya'll are saying. I understand that the drop pod method won't work, so I was looking for other ideas of accomplishing the same goal. I do like the custom powerup idea, though I have never been a big fan of powerups in gameplay.... Thank you for your input so far though!
Why would being the host make a difference? Anyway you could launch them in a mongoose. That could work.
Uhhmmm... Drop pod..wont stay together Buuuttt. If you made a tube. Put a one way shield in the bottom of it, and then place the pod after it. Use small blocks or something to stop the pod from going through the one way shield. Put explosives behind the one way shield. You'd have to have someone else trigger it, but this would work, in theory.
YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep1: Drop Pods Unfortunately this is the best method I know of....It doesn't work 100% of the time, and as earlier posts mentioned, the host does has to do with the outcome. Using a custom power up with invinc. is a possible solution though.