The drive hard map pack comes with 2 maps all distant cousins to lavapit. I can't take credit for lavapit but I can take credit for these creative spin offs. The fist map I made was extremelavapit I will show you this one first, max 8 players. Try to knock everyone of the edge. Also its called extremelavapit but I left out the lava who needs lava anyway. Download : Halo 3 File Details Custom gametype for all maps in : Halo 3 File Details Extremelavapit pics: The next map on my list is Extremerlavapit. I added a whole new area to ride around in and also some shield doors to make things interesting. Check out the pics. Download : Halo 3 File Details Here's some pics. End note:I have 2 more of these type's of maps One of which you can fall into the center and pop back out. Teaser:
First off i HAVE to be like everyone else on this site... OMG I'M THE FIRST POSTER OMG!!!! IM SO COOL!! Secondly... This is a cool idea. I like ppl who think out of the box and try new things. i like how there are multiple levels to be on so it's not just a flat ground... So Yeah... I just hit my kid in the face with my cereal spoon and now she's crying so i have to clean up the blood... But great MAP
First off.... That's what she said (title). Anyway, great idea, I would love to play this. Finally instead of just a circle, something cool and challenging. Love it, downloading NOAW! nice, 9.7/10
If that was an attempt to be funny u failed miserably and if u r serious u are either clumsy or a ****ing idiot.
Spam, don't do it again. Also that was mean. ---------------------------------------- Next, Why are the pictures different of the map from the last one to the second to last one? are they different islands or different maps? Picture mixup? also why a banshee? that looks unfair.
The banshee is fair it's not easy and the last picture was a teaser for the map lavatramp. Although none of the maps are getting good reviews so I guess I failed. It's suppose to be monster trucks basically. Thanks for the comments