I have had to put up with dress codes for K-10 (and will have to put up with them until 12). And i want to know if anybody thinks they do help with unify people and place more order in the community or is it a pointless restriction on our first amendment? See my other debates Boys and Girls only schools Public, Private, Parochial or Home Schooling? Corporal Punishment? Legalize Drugs? Handing out condoms If you like my debates let me know!
No on uniforms. Let the kids wear what they want and express themselves. Except if theyre like naked or something.
This may seem like a real unnecessary topic, and meaningless thing, but it really isn't. I'm gonna tell you my life story (kinda): I'm Brazilian. I was born there, lived there most of my life, but I often move to the US because my dad gets transferred. I first moved to the US in 2001, lived here until Feb 2003. Just moved to the Us back half-way through last year, and it's estimated that I'll stay here for 2 more years. In Brazil, I went to private schools, because there, unlike the US, private schools are better than public schools. I had to wear Uniforms from kindergarten through end of the 1st grade, when I first moved. In the US, I went to public schools (both times), and I can wear whatever I want to. Moving back, I had to wear uniforms again, and say that I graduated from the highest grade, I'd still have to wear Uniforms. Now my opinion on them: Uniforms may seem stupid, or dull, but I think there's a pretty good reason for why some schools make you use them. Using uniforms is just one way of trying to make people look and feel equals, and peers to one another. In a school were you don't have to wear uniforms, people might be tended to start indirect conflict with people that have more money then them and rub it in people's faces by wearing a Hollister, or a brand name pants, etc. By wearing Uniforms, although it might be stupid, people can prevent from conflicts to happen. This is just one way though, but it's really helpful. Now, don't come hatin' on me if you don't get what I'm trying to say. I'm not fond of wearing uniforms, or having a dress code either, but I'm OK with it, because I know it's there for a good reason.
Really, I can agree with that in most cases, but in some cases being different isn't a problem. At my school, there's basically 4 groups- sk8ter, prep (hollister), emo, ghetto. No conflicts usually arise between the groups, but rather among them.
My opinion on this is if students do not show any part of their private areas or other forms of nudity on their clothing, like genitals or buttocks, even partial, then I think it is fine what they wear. Gore and blood/violence too, I understand people can be offended and have weak stomachs when exposed to this, I do. But there are some silly codes like you cannot have the number 69 or 23, or the spaghetti strap rule, or you cannot have any skulls or guns displayed. I do not really have an opinion on uniforms but I am glad my school does not have em =P
I don't really see the 23 part, maybe they like michael jordan. I don't have that rule at my school banning certain numbers.
My middle school did. Females are also not allowed to have tank tops (unless they have another top covering it) Nor they are not allowed to wear v-necks, but guys are of course Basically they need to cover their necks (to prevent cleavage), their shoulders, and their bellies, and of course their more private areas. But I find it ridiculous that they need to cover their necks, shoulders, and bellies because they are not sexual areas. I mean cleavage is not such a big deal as long as it is not like half way down there, you know. And the shoulders and belly thing is just sad. They (the dress code) make those two body parts sound sexual when they are really not I always see girls at my school wear short shorts but they are not allowed to wear tank tops and v necks and spaghetti straps? Damn.
Same goes for England ^ ^ But in England it goes. Pre-School - No uniform Reception - Uniform Year 1 - Uniform Year 2 - Uniform Year 3 - Uniform Year 4 - Uniform Year 5 - Uniform Year 6 - Uniform Cenior school Year 7 - Uniform Year 8 - Uniform Year 9 - Uniform Year 10 - Uniform Year 11 - Uniform Year 12 (Sixth Form 1)- Own Clothes Year 13 (Sixth Form 2)- Own Clothes
I must admit when i was in 1st-5th i though uniforms were a pointless waste. But now i understand why we have them but i still think they are stupid. Here is how it goes in my school (private) JK-polo shirt* K-polo shirt* 1-polo shirt 2-polo shirt 3-polo shirt 4-polo shirt 5-polo shirt 6-coat and tie 7-coat and tie 8-coat and tie 9-coat and tie** 10-coat and tie** 11-coat and tie** 12-coat and tie** *- not really enforced **- really enforced
At my school, dress codes are like tyrannical Stalinist Dictators. We don't have uniforms, but I got in trouble for wearing an Iron Maiden shirt. So on halloween last year, I got a full-size Soviet Flag, a Hammer and Sickle T-shirt, and some black overalls. I wore the flag like a cape. When people asked me what I was, I said, "I AM THE PROLETARIAN!, I DO THE WORK, YOU GET THE MONEY!" I ended up getting suspended for that.
Uniforms are stupid in my opinion. If everyone has to wear the same kind of clothing, kids can't show their individuality. Sometimes you can tell a little bit about a person by what they wear, helping you decide who you may want to befriend. If the kids in a particular school (or whatever) are abusing the freedom of not having a dress code, I think they should be warned, and if the problem persists, then maybe a dress code could be alright. That is the only time I would agree with a dress code. This part is mostly a question, by dress code, do you mean a uniform? Or do you mean like what mike said, no guns/skulls on shirts, not hats, spaghetti straps, etc.
I really only think there are 2 reasons why schools have dress codes (Uniforms) 1> cleavage 2> To make everybody feel equal so no one feels like they have less money or something judged by clothes. My school really has no uniforms. But, my school does have a dress code. No stomach for girls, no hoods up, no boots. I don't get the boots tho... We can wear pretty much everything we want though.
I think George Carlin summed it up best when he said that he saw an old film where they showed kids wearing uniforms to school, but it he had a hard time understanding it because the narration was in German. LOL (if you don't get it well too bad)
Rent the documentary "Bowling for Columbine". There is one part where a teenager had about 12 hidden weapons in his clothing. This includes a shotgun, a couple handguns, and more. It's pretty crazy! My personal opinion is that an absolutely restricted dress code (uniforms) is kind of overboard.
ive never ever been a large fan of overly restrictive dresscodes. the looser ones that have mild rules are somewhat neccessary, but the crazy ones im not a fan of.