Drean's Haven AND Drean's mappack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Cornflakes Sam, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Ancient

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    Hi, I'm for a month on forge hub, and this will be my first map and map pack, which I post here. I've made maps before, but they were not that good. Although, I learn allot of them, so I think I can makes some good maps now. The game type will be infection, and in every map are you supposed to hold out in a special area, until a door opens, and you can walk trough. You don't have to walk through, but the zombies are getting stronger, although you won't. Every new walkway and hold-out area has stronger weapons, or just more ammo.

    The Mappack

    The map pack is called "Drean's", because of the planet where the maps are on. It goes about some avengers who has come to their new home and planet, to start everything again. They are just put on land by their ship, when they find out that it is incredible quit. Then hells breaks out, and they have to fight for their lives when a horde of zombies attacks them. They will first flee away from the haven, to a old, lifeless shady town. From there the flee to the high cloud scrapers of the center on the town, to their escape hornet. Although, the hornet falls down just before there last base, where they're safe from the zombies. They'll have to walk the last part through the frozen landscape, to their only way to survive...

    Special things about the map pack
    • The zombies have a shield, but 50% damage resistance. So they'll be easier to kill than the zombies from Save one Bullet, but harder than the brains zombies.
    • Almost every weapon will have low ammo.
    • The zombies will have acres to an over shield and camo.
    • Dual wielding will be out.
    • There will be extremely high gravity, due the special planet, which is much larger than earth.
    • Zombies will enter the battlefield using teleports
    • Zombies will be faster than Humans, but not much faster.
    • The last man standing won't get extra stats or something, only a waypoint.
    • The maps will be in order: Longshore, the haven. Foundry, the poor shady town, and start to the cloud scrapers. Sandbox, high in the skybubble, the cloud scrapers. Avalanche, the frozen last stretch. Yes, that’s one map from every DLC, but I did not thought about that with purpose, I just want different maps.

    Drean's Haven

    Drean's Haven is the first map in the map pack, and is also almost complete. It take place in Longshore, and features two holdout areas, a very long walkway and end area, where you can try to survive as long as possible. You have to wait for three doors if you want to walk through the whole map.

    The pictures
    Overview of the first holdout area. [​IMG]
    Note the empty space on the green container, another container is supposed to spawn there.

    The first ''door'' will be unblocked by this barrel, it spawns at 60 seconds. [​IMG]

    This is the second door, at 120 seconds another fusion coil drops down, making the other two exploding, which destroys the grave lifts, so the door will be open. [​IMG]

    The last room of the second holdout area. Note the sniper, it can give you 4 kills with just a little bit skill needed. [​IMG]

    The first part of the long walkway. Not much merging here, was not needed IMO. [​IMG]
    Note the empty space by the gold room at the corner, One container needs to stay there.

    Well, that was my preview for my map and map pack. Drean's Haven is done tomorrow morning, at Holland’s time. Than can I start testing and I think it's all completed next week, or something earlier. The map pack will be released at end-February, I think. Thanks for reading, and I would love to hear some suggestions. =D

    Dreans Haven is now in test fase.
    #1 Cornflakes Sam, Jan 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010

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