Found this on Bungie and it looked kinda cool, so i was wondering if we could hold our own little contest to see who can draw something the best. I havent fully thought this out yet, but post if you think it would work or not. This is the link to the website! START DRAWING! Top 5 Characters - DECOYsteveO - Master Chief - TimTazTix - Master Chief - (BmZ's brother Steven Pratt) - Gravemind - Illusion - Grunt Birthday Party! - BmZ - Master Chief Top 5 Weapons - Deltasquad23 - Spartan Laser - JeAnFiCo - Gravity Hammer - NIR Fluff - Battle Rifle - NIR Fluff - Assault Rifle - TalonPro - Plasma Pistol Top 5 Animations - TalonPro - Stuck then Spawn Killed - CMaster72 - Overkill Extermination - TalonPro - Plasma Grenade Go BOOM! - Wolverine2099 - Laser Double Kill - JustxHavexFun - BOOM! Headshot! Top 5 Vehicles - Nathan P 1 - Ghost - minicon3167 - Warthog Kill - Electronic Wolf - Forerward Unto Dawn - Illusion - Ghost - Top 5 Equipment/Grenades - Taters N Onyuns - Spike Grenade - SilentWolf12 - Grav Lift - Samuel Blacks0n - Trip Mine - XxxX Bacon XxxxX - Regen - Top 1 Maps - AK47toURface - Valhalla Top 5 Other - Illusion - Legendary Logo - PaperLantern - Cat Thingy - Ninja Walrus - S.I. - Lil Suzie - Halo 3 - CMaster72 - Final Boss vs Str8 Rippin
I gotta say, Fast foreward these, or skip to the end, it takes more time than you would expect to draw one of these
I know, I sat there watching the first one. The i said f**k this and skipped to the end. And I was surprised, it had an amazing outcome.
Zero, yours worked, and at first i thought it was gona be a pig with the fat guy lol, but they i realized the hog wsa at an angle and it turned out great, i got a funny one for yal EDIT: which code do you take? artPad
Wow. These things look friggin' insane if you look at them from a distance, or you de-focus your eyes. I might have a go.
Right thar. And on a serious note, I might snag my brothers tablet and draw something good. EDIT: Grrr I lost the link. OH WELL.
:joker: no u =[ It's not a pokemon stoopypoopy, It's a FLYFFABLE, noob. Btw, with the pokemon ones, how do you get what you're at? Anyway...Zero, that Hog looked pretty good without the colours I reckon. xD