Created by: VestigeL and AK II ZERO II Map Download here. Gametype: Slayer (only) Description: This map was mostly inspired by Serwers (it is not a repilca!) but I had ideas of sewers before the map came out. This an assymetrical map that takes place in an abandoned sewer. The middle section is one large sewer pipe with pipes on either side of it (don't worry, none of the pipes need crouching). Screenshots: The middle section with a Ghost, Rocket, Sniper, 2 Plasma Rifles, a Plasma grenade and a Spike grenade. The Rocket in the middle section. One of the pipes. Another pipe... More pipes? I know you hate me now... Weapons: 2 Plasma Rifles 30 sec. 1 Rocket 120 sec. 1 Sniper 120 sec. 4 SMGs 30 sec. 4 Battle Rifles 45 sec. 2 Spikers 30 sec. 1 Bubble Shield 60 sec. 1 Power Drain 60 sec. 1 Regenerator 60 sec. 1 Ghost 180 sec. Soccer Ball (ummmm... you can call me a biter...)
This looks like a very nice MAP, but I have a small complaint about weapon placements. "The middle section with a Ghost, Rocket, Sniper, 2 Plasma Rifles, a Plasma grenade and a Spike grenade." That looks a little stacked for one area, so what is the incentive to go in the pipes? Otherwise, this looks like a very clean map with nice interlocking
In my opinion, this is one of my more favorite looking maps. I love this, sewers, this is so cool. I can't miss out on this, qued.
hey vestigel it looks good so far i will try it out with u late and does the soccer ball chain still work?
yeah i have the same question aswell i personally think the map is to small for their to be a ghost and on my version i didnt but still it is a great map
I personally don't raelly think that the Ghosts is over powered. It can travel throughout the map though...
This looks uncomfortably similar to Spillway. Except for the fact that there's a ghost in the middle. EH?
this does not look like spillway its way different it looks similiar but different in better ways i like this one better
tunnel maps are usually the first for me to dowload and this is no different in fact because it has unusual tunnels i like it more!
I'm guessing he can't add Shield Doors due to the fact they would limit the ghosts movement. Looks good BTW
[img width=505 height=389][/img] Spillway [img width=505 height=389][/img] Drainage ORLY? Pretty damn similar to me.
well to me it doesnt but i guess thats ur opinion one has three and the other is longer and steeper and has the bridges the normal way and drainage doesnt.
That is raelly just your opinion. I did not make this map with Spillway/ Overflow in mind at all. I only wanted an underground/ sewage map.
I can't see the screenshots... I want to give it a download but I need to see what the map looks like first, I really love a good slayer map.