Okay so I really liked my DBZ sig and it got good reviews so here is a tut for it. This is what we will be making: This was created in PhotoShop. Here is what I used. Supply list: http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/Vegeta.png http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/redwhite.png http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/c4d5.png http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/c4d3.png http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/2-1.png http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/P7190287.jpg Make a blank Canvas (I use 400 x 150). Add colors that are in the render and make it so it is layered and somewhat random. I like to make it so white is in the middle and then black and then start at light color and get darker from there and end with a dark color in the top corners. Then take a 23 pixel shadow brush and put on Shape Dynamics and Smoothing and Scattering. Set it like this: Smudge it until you get something like this: Now add your C4d's. If you are using the ones I provided add the red and black one and the black and white one. Set both these layers to Color Dodge and then set the opacity to what you like. I set it low at about 30%. Next I added the Red and White C4d and put it so the red was in the left bottom corner and then I duplicated the layer and made it similar in the other bottom corner. This is what you should have so far: Now take the space pic that I provided and move it onto our sig and set it to Color Dodge. Position it how you like. Now we need to put on our render. Open it up and erase the name on it. Then select however much you want on the sig and resize it so it fits and move it onto the sig. Put it so the white is kind of eminating from it and then duplicate the layer. Also on the render layer set the blending options to Inner Shadow and Outer Glow and keep the defaults. On the new layer go to Filter>Blur>Motion blur and make so it blurs verticle and set the pixels to 179. Move the blurred layer down to the third from the bottom. You should now have something like this: The render is not on the pic but oh well. Now use the C4d that is called 2 and open it and drag it onto the sig. Position it so the rays look like they are coming from the render and then duplicate the layer and make it symmetrical. Set both layers to Color Dodge and erase the parts on the render. Create a new layer and brush on where you would want some fog near the base of the render. Smudge it with the same smudge brush and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Now lower the opacity until you get something you like. Take the sunset picture now and make it a lot smaller and make it so the sunset is in the fog and so the corners all get darkened. Set the layer to Overlay. Now we add some Adjustment Layers. First we need a purple to orange gradiant map (Preset). Lower the opacity to 21%. Now we need a photo filter and set it to Warming (85). Next a Brighness/Contrast layer and set it to whatever works well with your sig. This is what you should have: Now make a new layer and go to Image>Apply Image. Set this new layer to soft light. Now make a new layer and apply the image but just go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Erase all but the top corners and make the opacity look good. Congradulations you're done! This is what you should have: I appreciate +rep.
normally I would just say very detailed tutorial and go on but this is for photoshop... I don't have photoshop so I cant really give a real reveiw but as anyone can see it is detialed and well thought out. great tutorial might try it in gimp sometime
this tut seems pretty hard to read.....try making one in photoshop, like all the rest.... search somewhere, one of my recent threads was about tut on a tut.....there you will find the answer on how to make it! BTW juggernaut, add this to the tut database!!!
Wow... I didn't think my first tut would get this good of reviews but thanks! You're support is really appreciated. Edit: Sdrakulich I really don't have time to do that and I think it is readable so I'm probably just gonna leave it like it is. Unless it like really needs to be in that format I think this will do... Sorry.
Whoa nice reviews Terrax, its definitely detailed, I hope you make more, this was a success so definitely make more!