Download the Gametype. The record for beating this is set at 24minutes. To beat the record it must be your first time doing it. pics
Re: Dragon Trials (MAZE / PUZZLE) I advise you to embed pictures in your post. You won't get many downloads with out them... Click here to learn how
Re: Dragon Trials (MAZE / PUZZLE) There are pics on the bungie post but i will put them on here as well
Re: Dragon Trials (MAZE / PUZZLE) They must be embed or else people wont see that you didnt put much effort into it.
Re: Dragon Trials (MAZE / PUZZLE) Take the pictures out of the slidehow, so you can embed them each... you can;t embed slideshows...
You can have both...but most people just quickly look at the pictures. Still love this map, you need to upload the rest of your maps.