Okay not a Video but whatever. I just saw Drag Me to Hell on Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I saw it with 2 of my friends because it is my Birthday on Monday so I wanted to do something on the weekend. We were sitting next to a bunch of girls and there were covering the faces and screaming, then there was my friends.One was covering his ears and the other one was just cursing away. Probably because we came late and were in the second row. I was just sitting there smiling at the reactions of the people around me and completely un-nerved by the booming sounds and constant pop-ups. I saw the ending coming though but I'm pretty good at analyzing things and it was still original. There were some very disgusting parts to it too and that was the closest I came to covering my eyes. Anyways that's about it, so all of you should go see it.
It is one of those disturbing/disgusting and very loud then quiet then pop-up movies. Good None-the-less. My hearing is very resilient to loud sounds and Doom 3 made me immune to pop-ups so I was un-phased.
I love scary movies and there's no doubt I'll miss this one. I just told my friend that I thought it would be one of those pop-out movies. And I guess it is. I just don't like that directors have to rely on the element of surprise rather than pure fear to scare their audience.
Looks like it sucks, but maybe I can give it a chance. This should be in General. Try this thread next time.
The ending was soooo refreshing. I loved it. I might have enjoyed the movie more than I would have alone but I took a girl with me. I thought it was a decent movie. Story was pretty good. Not very scary though. I couldn't bring myself to be scared. Though, I did jump when the old man was in the road. That one got me. All slime was just annoying...