Dozens blinded in India looking for Virgin Mary By Sarah Herman Last Updated: 2:00AM GMT 16 Mar 2008 The Virgin Mary apparition was reported above a hotelier's home.At least 50 people have lost their sight after staring at the sun hoping to see an image of the Virgin Mary, according to reports. Alarmed health authorities in India's Kottayam district have set up a sign dispelling rumours of a miraculous image in the sky and warning of the dangers of looking into direct sunlight. Forty-eight cases of sight-loss, allegedly caused by photochemical burns on the retina, have been recorded at St Joseph's ENT and Eye hospital in the region since Friday. Despite warnings, and the potentially harmful effects of their actions, believers are allegedly still flocking to a hotelier's house in Erumeli near where the divine image is said to have appeared. "All our patients have similar history and symptoms… They have developed photochemical, not thermal, burns after continuously gazing at the sun," Dr Annamma James Isaac, the hospital's ophthalmologist said. Even churches in the area have disowned the miracle after health officers and doctors approached the clergy. The house where the miracle is said to have occurred has apparently been the subject of rumours for months. The hotelier, who has since moved, had claimed that statues of the Virgin Mary in his house have been crying honey and bleeding oils and perfumes. source site
Lol, religious extremists. Such irony, try to see something and get blinded in the process. Of course, they probably claim it was the brilliance of god -_-
This stuff happens alot, but I never heard of a warning in the sky. The virgin mary though crying out honey and bleeding oils is very disturbing though. Thanks for sharing this!
Many churches that have had the "bleeding mary statues" had been proven to be faked. Why? When you have a bleeding statue you get more donations.
Looking directly at the sun... wtf. Some people will (figuratively) blindly follow anything wont they?
How weird ? Is the image in the sky real? or just a rumour? And why would you like into the sun for that long and loose your eyesight?!? Weird ...
Ummm, are you retarded? The image in the sky is just as real as Santa Clause, Fairies, God, Dragons and Leprechauns... Don't be so gullible.
What are you guys talking about? I've seen her. Shes in the sun!!! Look for yourself! SHES THERE!!!!!
I wouldn't say staring into the sun because someone told you there was a picture of some chick up there was a good reason but hey, sheep follow.
I believe the good reason was a religious one. Hey I believe in god but I'm not gonna stare at the sun long enough to go blind to see him. He can find me fisrt. >_> <_<