DownFall Creator: K1lleRNeMeSiS (me) Testers: Mea xOverkillx, Dragun9, Mea xXSHADOWXx, LCpl Warren, X MAGGOT SK8 X Players: 2-6 Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Oddbal, Assault, KOTH Weapons: Assault Rifles 2 Battle Rifles 5 Sniper Rifle 1 SMG 4 Spiker 4 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma rifle 2 Rocket launcher 1 0 spare clips Carbine 3 Mauler 2 Active camo 1 Oversheild 1 Grenades: Frag 10 plasma 16 DOWNLOAD: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Info: This map has had alot of effort put into it either forging and playtesting it is balanced and very well forge it in cludes 2 bases a middle mancannon tower at rocket spawn a sniper building and active camo building this map makes a sort of l shape form and is very fun for 2v2 or 3v3 gametypes. Map description: This city was used by UNSC recruits now war has ravaged this city Pics: Download DownFall Here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Hmm you never invited me to the testing session. I looked forward to playing this, but even more now than before I'm noticing scary resemblances to Grindstone. Also that "take the dumb test now" or whatever under every picture is extremely annoying and makes the thread look unprofessional. You also need more description. However, I'm downloading and looking forward to this because the pics look great.
Good map and everything but I see a few places that need a bit more cover. I also don't see many spawns, and some interlocking could be touched up in some areas. 7/10 for now.
wait a second, I thought this was a thread called "downfall".... I seem to have stumbled into Grindstone very unorigional. the map has the sameish strucutres, near same weapon placement, same design, takes place in same area of the map...