Downfall By PhoeniXaDc (With help from B Righhh FTW/Dinglz) (The back wall was made by whoever made the Grifball maps) This is my first map that I've made (That isn't some stupid little map that has no purpose whatsoever) so it might have a lot of flaws. If so, just tell me, and I'll try my best to fix them for v2. It is Merged for the most part. Weapons on Map: BR x4 Carbine x4 Mauler x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Plasma Grenades x8 Sniper x2 Spike Grenades x4 Basically, it has two bases, red and blue, in two corners of the map. In the other two corners of the map are Sniper Towers (With snipers). In the middle is an open double box that is put up vertically that has two single boxes on either side of it with stairs that lead to them. There are two doors stuck into the double box that you can jump on. Inside is a Rocket Launcher, a grav lift to bring you back up, and a random street cone. Spread around the map are many places to hide behind such as wall corners, dumpsters, trucks, barriers, and more. There is a single little "Easter Egg" type thing hidden in the map. If you can find it, take a picture of it, and PM it to me, I'll give you... nothing. Problems needed to be fixed: Screenshots: Overview from Above Blue Base: Overview from above Red Base: Red Base: Blue Base: "Centerpiece"/Rocket Spawn: Sniper Tower: Download Downfall Download Bloodshed (Slayer Gametype) Download Havoc (CTF Gametype)
Yes they work now, I can see them clearly. Looks like a pretty nice map, with balanced weapons and nice scenery. Try to add more pics though right now it seems pretty empty.
Cool for your first map but I just dont get the map layout...It kinda looks like you ran out of ideas really quickly so you just put random stuff down.Maybe if you made the bases bigger and you fixed up the sniper tower to where their is cover and a place to shoot I think the map would be alot better.I like how you put cover because most maps today don't usully have cover.
A pretty nice map with a few messy bits. I would recomend interlocking the briges into the boxes. I would give the sniper tower a bit of cover. The back wall seems to be someones else creation give them the credit. I can tell that you did not do that. 3.5/5 for me
It is the Grifball map that I just took out the spawns and oddball and stuff so it could just be the wall.
For a first map?This is pretty good,interlocking is nice too,those are good signs besides that the map is really basic,Like you should of put more structures in the map,Give the map a feal you know,But Really Good Job for a first map.
Thanks for all your feedback, I just started putting in some of your ideas, and it's looking really good. I'll tell you guys when it is ready + post pictures.
i don't mind not getting credit for the Grifball wall - i think of it as 'public domain' as long as it is not used to build an alternate Grifball (Extreme) game type, which might cause confusion, it is fine to use as a basis for your maps
That's very gracious of you, but it is common courtesy we expect from our members. Looks like it's been added in any case.