Well I tried pretty hard to make this map. Every time I built it up I'd run out of pieces to finish it. I ended up deleting pretty much the whole map about 4 times. Forging shouldn't be about piece conservation. Anyways... this is an asymmetric map, my first intention was to make it a mining theme map so I had cranes with flag stand chains and little mine carts and tracks, which didn't work out. The map is enclosed and has three floors and 2 gravity lifts. Power weapons include a shotgun, energy sword and a grenade launcher. Images: [/url] reach_26628464_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Loadout Camera [/url] reach_26628479_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Main/Largest room [/url] reach_26628491_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Also main room [/url] reach_26628480_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -I'll try to link the images together as best I can as if you were walking through [/url] reach_26628476_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url] reach_26628477_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url] reach_26628500_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Sword Room (oh and not in order anymore(too hard)) [/url] reach_26628502_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Center Walkway [/url] reach_26628498_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Back Room [/url] reach_26628487_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] -Descriptionless [/url] reach_26628478_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url] reach_26628481_Full by The Only The, on Flickr[/IMG] Enjoy...
Well it looks great, ill download nd give u more feedback l8r. I love how vertical the map looks in some pics, nd yea the asthetics look great. The whole map (judging from pics) looks clean, neat, and very well forged.
the map looks pretty clean and the aethetics look nice and go with the theme. i would suggest getting rid of the plasma turret because they are over powered and will cause camping in that area which will make gameplay horrible. besides that overall this map is good.