Not sure if this is new or anything but it was news to me... Ever had the problem of building a great infection map, but the zombies being able kill people through walls with their hammers? Well, im guessing you probabaly not. But anyway, earlier today, me and my friends were making a new DIH map and, with people always hiding behind boxes and cheating when in the tunnel, we decided to put fence walls along the top so that the zombies can make sure people arent cheating. But, the zombies hammers are still able to smash through the fence and kill humans. So, because of my forging knowledge , i suggested that we merged another set of fence walls into the current ones. And success! Bullet proof, Hammer proof, and, even power drainer proof! After testing, we disscovered that walls also apply to this.
cool find about the hammer thing BTW. I made a bullet filter one day i was bored, i placed all the fence walls possible (16?) in a row and only the slower moving plasma and spikes could go through. It completely filtered out all of the human bullets.
Yeah, but that would lag the hell out of your game. Though I suppose you could use Fence Boxes and Stairs aswell, since they have chain-link fences.