Double Boxes Shifting? Help!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RaVNzCRoFT, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I'm trying to make my next map as professional as possible, so I'm lining up double boxes end-to-end on the ground and interlocking them to make as smooth a wall as possible. When I had finished, The wall surface was smooth and even the walking surface on top was smooth (in other words, all of the boxes were completely resting on the ground). But when I saved, quit, and restarted the game to float an object, I noticed that all of the boxes had shifted slightly. The entire wall surface was still smooth, but all of the boxes had shifted slightly vertically (they were slightly raised off the ground at one end). And when I walked on top of the boxes, it was extremely bumpy when I got to the point of interlocking. This will cause problems later when I go to stack objects on top, so I really need the boxes to stay in place and not shift when I restart the game. Is there any way to do this?
  2. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Well, there are a few things that could have done this.

    Were you on Xbox Live forging? Or were you on local?

    If you were you Live, was there anyone else in the party? a lot of the time host issues can screw stuff up.
  3. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I was on Live, but there was nobody with my in the game at any time.

    I've also tried making a map on Local, and I had the same problem.

    Please, somebody help me! I've seen maps like MLG Onslaught, where every last object is perfectly aligned, and it's very frustrating that something is throwing off my alignment.

    Does nobody know how to fix this problem? I've never noticed it until about a week ago, and I don't think it ever happened before then. I honestly can't make a map with this problem continuing as it is. I REALLY need help!!!!!
  4. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    I get this problem a lot. I have figured out why it does this, but I'm pretty sure there is no solution. The reason is the overload in objects/budget. If you are using an unlimited budget glitched map, this will happen. MLG Onslaught and Amplified were created without a budget glitch.
  5. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    No, I haven't used the budget glitch! I've hardly used any items at all. I simply interlocked a few boxes and they shifted when I saved and quit!!

    I might put up a video showing the problem. Does anybody else know what might be causing this?
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This will happen with any map...and sadly its an issue we all have to deal with. The problem is more well known with bridges...but the problem can be found with any object. Me and Feign had a discussion about how annoying it is to spend an hour perfectly lining something only to come back and see it slightly crooked.

    I assume the problem lies within how maps are saved in halo. Each object probably has its x,y, and z point saved...along with the angle its at.... I would assume the game has to round to the nearest decimal point or something to that respect...which would cause a slight shift after you've saved, quit, and rejoined the game.
  7. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    But how can I minimize this problem, or how should I go about making my map? As I've said, MLG Onslaught seems to be perfect, while my boxes are noticeably bad.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It just comes down to trial and error...and possibly you merging techniques. What methods so you use? The save and quit method always causes unexpected if you've been using that then I'd recommend trying something else.
  9. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Putting boxes in the wall (like on Onslaught) has got to be the most irritating thing anyone can ever do in Forge. lmao. The only way to get them how you want is to grab them until they're just right. The save and quit method is pretty much useless for those kind of boxes, so I would avoid using that technique. Just stick with the door method and try to be as patient as you can. :)

    EDIT: Btw, Onslaught is far from perfect. The boxes look like a zig-zagged line when you delete the objects around them. If that makes you feel any better. :)
  10. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    I've encountered this problem numerous times, and it's caused me to give up most of my Foundry work. One solution that I recently discovered is when saving then ending, save your map as a NEW map. I'm not exactly positive that this works, maybe I've just been getting lucky, but so far the boxes remain in the same position. Let me know if it works for you to.
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I discovered that most any object set on their side will go crooked, i.e:
    Double Box (Open and Solid)
    Single Box

    My theory about boxes is that since they have an invisible cushion on the side opposite the teardrop arrow points to, this cushion causes the box to push against it's surroundings, pushing it up. It appears to me that the side that is raised or lowered is the side that has that cushion.
    As for Bridges, I am not so sure, and walls occasionally have issues as well.

    As DTL said, it is frustrating to work so hard making things perfect, only to have them go crooked. To my knowledge, there is no fix to this besides luck, I just suggest avoiding placing items on their side and such, but that is the best I can do.
  12. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    To DTL and the others on the first page, I haven't been geomerging anything. I was only just starting to build the wall that encloses my map by interlocking boxes, and I got this problem.

    xX5w33ny70ddXx: Thanks for you post! I actually was placing these boxes on their sides, with the bottom parts of the boxes facing inward toward my map (because the bottoms are flatter and more neutral in looks). But if the problem is that they're on their sides, that would be great. I'd much rather put up with seeing the sides of the boxes as the wall than continue to have this problem.

    Do you get what I mean?
  13. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    I have this problem as well, I would just try and try. Play on local, this will create less lag and you will have a better chance of a clean merge.

    The worst case scenario is to just try and cover it up, NO MAP that geo merges is 100% perfect merges.

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