Race Double Back

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by TheRedEyedDevil, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. TheRedEyedDevil

    TheRedEyedDevil Forerunner

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    Double Back is basically a double wide track with two figure 8's layered over each other. This is the first map where I tried to implement transitions on the map where I phased the turns more smoothly. (I still don't know the proper term for It). The map overall is a very fast paced double wide track towards the bottom of Impact. I added a scene that looks like the asteroids are hitting the track from afar. This track is RACETRACKS compatible up to 16 players.

    How this map came about?
    Originally, when I created this map, I had a different idea in mind, however, I couldn't get the proper lighting I wanted, so I did away with it and decided to go ahead with this map.

    What part was most difficult to forge?
    The most difficult part to forge was when I used transitions to connect the turns. I still don't feel comfortable using this method, but It's a work in progress.

    Difficulty Easy

    #1 TheRedEyedDevil, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013

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