I'm working on a map that requires an individual to split off from the central group in order to open a door blocking their path. This door uses the delayed man-cannon spawn to function, so that once the block is touched, it moves. The individual is supposed to land on it from above to open it. This is the door. The problem is, whenever someone walks into it from the outside, it moves. How is this fixed?
Well, because you have created the door with motion tech, anything near it will activate it. So unless you can find a way for the people trying to get through to be held back, (at least a single block wide back) from the door, they can activate it. So yeah, I'd go with the deploy able gravlift or something of that nature.
It isn't possible to block it with a shield door? And the only problem with a deployable grav-lift is that it makes the map much more breakable, and I won't have the budget to make huge walls. Would it work if I out a custom power up on top of the block, merged in with it? That way when they pick it up the block moves? Or would that not work?
If one person can break off from the group and go another route, what's to stop the rest of them from going that alternate route to get to the same room?
Nothing stops them its just tactically wise to not follow them. Especially when a horde of zombies is chasing after you. It's designed so the person who goes through is the weakest given his surroundings.
Then why would a person risk his life just to open the door for his teamate (and probably die?) RISKVSREWARD! But yeah, a CP would work well.
This is a sequel to my map "The Turbines". If you've ever played it, it requires the player to activate 3 turbines to open a final door. Behind this door is one of the turbines/generators. The map is 85% done and odds are it will be my final map before Reach. I tried merging an overshield about halfway into it, but it just caused the block to lose its position, therefore being unaffected by the mancannon. Would it work better if I merged it in less, or does the block just need more bracing? Or will the equipment idea just not help it at all?
Yeah looking at it, you've used the trap physics, not really door mechanics. You should use fusion coil switches, so the other play runs down the other path, shoots the coil and returns, and the door will open. If you're unsure, check out my map power core. It's an asset map based around a giant door mechanism, just use that... it'll be much easier for what you want it for.
Alright, I'll check that out since I'm not quite sure what you mean. I'll edit this post with if it's possible in this situation. I read the post but it doesn't say much about the switch mechanics. I would download it but I don't have any space. Any chance you can describe it? If it uses a grav-lift I can't do it.